Technology is one aspect of our world that certainly has evolved within the past few decades. We as a society have transitioned from computers taking up entire rooms to simply sitting in our lap, or within the palm of our hand. Today, technology can be seen almost everywhere around us whether it is in our office, home, automobile, and even our cellphone in our pocket. One device that has certainly transitioned to better proportions is that of the cellphone. Cellphones in this day and age can have our lives perfectly scheduled, full of our personal information, oh, and can even allow us to communicate on them.
Technology Meets Terrain
Although cellphones certainly help us every single day they are also actually hurting us as well. Driving while texting, or talking on the phone is extremely dangerous that puts all drivers, and pedestrians at risk in one way or another. Many states today have adopted laws that ban texting while driving, and some ban the use of a cellphone entirely behind the wheel. While these laws are set up for our protection, and for our safety during our time on the road are they actually meeting their purpose and doing their job?
The Results of Texting While Driving
The answer is no. Regardless of laws and bans being in place individuals not only within your community or your state, but the entire country are still driving around reckless on the road while using their cellular device. In the past, we can see a large amount of accidents that have occurred as a result of texting while driving. Yet, unfortunately these accidents were not simply incidents that resulted in a fender bender, but ended with an individual receiving a life-long debilitating injury, or were ultimately killed as a result of the accident.
Today, there are many things in our world that we have absolutely zero control over. We cannot control the weather, what song will come on the radio next, or even the events within our day. However, there is one thing that we can control, which is that of our safety on the road. Make sure when you are operating a motor vehicle to stay away from your phone and stick to be safe until you reach your destination.
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