Growing is one aspect of our lives that we all have to deal with in some mannerism or form. From physically growing from the small stature of a child to finally becoming an adult, we not only death with the actual physical growth of age, but also the emotional, intellectual, and responsible aspects of life that age brings with it as well. One point in our lives that tends to be different for everyone in some way is that of adolescence and our teenage years. While some were deemed part of the “popular” clique others of us were found during halftime marching with the band. However, despite whatever our social affiliation was during this time one variable seemed to remain constant in all of these groups back and yesteryear, and still today, which is that of alcohol.

Alcohol has been one factor in many generations to be seen in within teenager years. The majority of the time teenage alcohol consumption, which is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 within the United States, stems from that of peer pressure. Regardless of the fact that it is illegal, or what brings it about, teenagers in the past, and still today are not only getting their hands on alcohol, but also consuming it and in unsafe, dangerous quantities.

The Expectations That Follow

While some consequences of underage alcohol consumption can include binge drinking which leads to alcohol poison, or trouble with the law, another aspect it brings to the table is that of drinking and driving. Driving under the influence laws are a bit different for those under the age of 21. For those under the age of 21 it is illegal to have a blood alcohol content (BAC) at all. While some states do vary and allow a slight score of 0.02 percent, many today are not allowing it, period.

Teenagers, and those under the legal age of consumption already have a tough enough time driving as it is, but when alcohol comes into the mix can be dangerous not only for themselves, but everyone and everything around them. Make sure that you talk to your teenage, or underage loved ones about alcohol and not only the legal aspects that are associated with it, but also if they did make the poor decision of drinking what they should do in order to be safe, out of harms way, and especially off of the road.

At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at ((601)790-1505) to see how we can help.

Every day the moment we wake up we never can truly expect, and predict what our day will have and hold for us. While we can predict some aspects such as going to work, school, or some of routine tasks and responsibilities we never are guaranteed that this particular time will be just like the last one. Unfortunately, by today’s standards, one group within our culture does not seem to grasp this concept, and ultimately are continuing to put not only themselves in danger, but also all others that cross their paths while on the road.

Meeting Puberty With Problems Within A Bottle

Yet, what travesty could teenagers, who in many cases are those still considered children, actually be related with on a regular basis? Alcohol is one aspect in our society that is not only very prevalent, but is also abused regularly as well. Many teenagers today participate in consuming alcohol illegally, which contributes to many poor decisions that they make whether they be socially, or with their safety. Unfortunately, many cases can be seen that teenagers take their poor decision making to the streets, and proceed to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.

The Results Can Be Simply Seen

Today, many teenagers already have a hard enough time driving due to their lack of focus on the road, but when mixed with alcohol as well the results can be catastrophic. In many cases we see that when teenagers who are under the influence get behind the wheel of a vehicle they usually are involved in an accident that produces expensive property damage, injuries that can range from a scratch to that of paralysis, and even that of death. Teenagers are at that age in life that they feel that they are invincible, and cannot be toppled off their platform. Unfortunately, we can see in many past cases these teenagers have not only run into problems pertaining to the legal aspects of a DUI, but also life altering health factors as well.

Make sure to talk to your children, and especially teenagers about alcohol. Explain to them what the substance actually is, and how it should be used properly after they have reached the legal age of consumption.

At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.


Every time that we set out driving on the road we are taking on a responsibility not only to ourselves, but all other drivers, and pedestrians we may encounter. Unfortunately, automobile accidents are a very common occurrence on the road today, and can alter not only an automobile forever, but also an individual’s life. While some automobile accidents can be easily preventable other accidents can occur in the blink of an eye due to unnatural causes. However, one accident today that can be easily prevented is that of teenage driving accidents.

The Ideology of Teenage Drivers

The majority of the time teenage drivers are driving behind the wheel of motor vehicles and are not properly paying attention to their duties as a driver, and their responsibility to the road. From texting and talking on the phone, grooming themselves while looking in the mirror, or playing with the radio it seems that we see more and more cases of teenagers not only being a danger to themselves behind the wheel, but also other innocent drivers as well. Today, the number of teenage accidents on the road is not only high, but also continues to increase dramatically. Yet, what can teenagers and you do in order to help them prevent these accidents from occurring?

Taking Back The Roads and Safety

First things first, make sure that your teenagers always wear a seatbelt. By wearing your seatbelt many people actually have shown to have a safer mindset and ideology while behind the wheel. Next, make sure that your teenagers avoid using a cellphone at all while behind the wheel of a vehicle no matter if it is talking, or texting. If they need to make a call, or text advise them to pull off of the road, park, and then do so. Parents are advised to make curfews for their children, not to punish them, but protect them. Also, parents should consider implementing rules limiting the number of passengers in their teenager’s vehicle in order to help promote a safer driving atmosphere.

Teenagers are at the age in life that they are constantly absorbing the world around them. Remember, as a parent or a loved one, make sure to allow your teenagers the ability to absorb the proper information, especially when it comes down to driving etiquette and roadway safety.

At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Driving is one part of our lives that many of us participate in doing almost every day. When we are at a younger age we look forward to the ability, and privilege of earning our coveted driver’s license so that we have the ability to not only drive, but also the new sense of freedom that goes hand-in-hand with it. In the past, the legal age to hold a driver’s license was much lower than the age that is set now by many states. Yet, are our young teenage drivers today actually safe while on the road?

The Startling Truth

As many studies and reports show drivers between the ages of 16 to 19 are the group of drivers that are statistically more likely to be engaged in an automobile accident of some kind while on the road. Unfortunately, another report shows just what kind of driving you can expect from teenagers within Mississippi. The report stated that out of every 100,000 teenagers between this age range within Mississippi that are a reported 32.3 deaths, which happens to be 186% than the national average of accidents by drivers over the age of 20.

Facts of The Matter

Yet, why is this the case, and in Mississippi nonetheless? A definite answer cannot really be pointed to other than the fact that Mississippi is one of the 12 states that has the most miles driven per capita. However, we also have to look at teenage driving accidents, and issues from another standpoint, which is that of driver education. Many schools within Mississippi currently do not require driver’s education to be taken. Although many parents would like to believe that they could teach their children how to properly drive many usually do not posses proper driving techniques themselves.

Ultimately, this is one issue that not only is currently residing within Mississippi, but also can easily increase every single day. When you are the parent, or loved one of a teenage driver you need to not only help them learn about the rules of the road, but also explain the dangers out there as well. Without properly educating teenagers now, and later we can assume that every time they get behind the wheel and on to the road they are not only putting themselves in danger of being involved in an automobile accident, but also everyone else around them.

At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Driving is a task, and a responsibility in which we partake in every single day. When we are on the road we are ultimately held responsible for our actions whether they are good or bad. Unfortunately, many drivers are not making reasonable, and wise decisions, which leads to that of collisions, and accidents of many kind. However, some accidents are completely avoidable. One type of accident that individuals can avoid entirely from ever occurring is that of driving under the influence. In a DUI accident an individual chooses to get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol or other substances. However, are DUI accidents a common occurrence when it comes down to teenagers?

Establishing The Present Stance of Teens and DUIs

Teenagers today are both very similar, and different from past generations. Like past generation’s teenagers today are very determined individuals and strike for success in many aspects of their lives. However, one major difference is that of mistakes today within our society that teenagers make. Unfortunately today drinking is a common practice of many teenagers, which in fact is illegal. What is even worse with the matter at hand is that while teenagers are not only illegally consuming alcohol they are also getting behind the wheel of automobiles completely under the influence.

The Truth of The Matter

In case you were unaware teenagers are in fact the leading age group said to be involved in an auto accident of some sort, which is usually stemmed from that of distracted driving. By teenagers not only already having a high risk of being accident prone, but also mixing alcohol into the equation it can easily end with fatal, catastrophic accidents, which easily result not only in injuries, but death as well. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report that stated that teen-alcohol related accidents have been cut in half within the past 20 years. While this number has been significantly decreased it does not however mean that many do not only occur every year, but every day as well.

When you are the parent of a teenage driver it is extremely important to discuss what responsibilities they have while on the road, as well as what they can expect from alcohol being within the mix.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

In our lives we are constantly growing and moving from one aspect of our life to the next. However, throughout our lives we are given new tasks, new responsibilities, and new ideas to consider, work through, deal with, and ultimately understand at the end of the day. Yet, when it comes down to the age group of teenagers they are constantly trying to readjust and are making a huge transition from being that of a child in the past to now having responsibilities and transitioning to adult hood. Driving is one aspect of life many teenagers participate in everyday, but do they actually understand what it takes to be a safe driver?

Teenagers Behind The Wheel

Teenagers have been, and probably will continue to be the age group that most automobile accidents occur within. Many teenagers have the mindset that they can do anything, which they most certainly can. However, they do not truly understand the consequences that result from having an “anything goes” mentality. Today, many teenagers get behind the wheel and are driving distractedly from one place to the next, and the next. Whether they are texting, or talking on their cellphones, playing with their mp3 players or CDs, or simply not focused on the road they are constantly putting not only themselves at risk of being in an automobile accident, but also every other individual around them whether they are fellow motorists, or pedestrians.

Teaching Teens The Right, And The Wrong Way

Another issue of teenagers on the road is the fact that many of them do not know how to actually drive. While teenagers are the ones are now some of the most technologically advanced groups of our day and age they still are not grasping the responsibilities and commitment that is necessary when driving. Many teenagers today do not go the speed limit, fail to signal properly, ignore traffic signs and signals, and seem to just not care.

When you have a teenage driver within your household, or family it is extremely important that you explain driving from both perspectives that of a safe one, and a reckless one. Make sure that your teenager understands what can occur from each one, and how it could impact their life now, and later down the road as well.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Driving is a task that we have to participate in almost every day the majority of the time. Yet, do you actually remember the first time you got behind the wheel of a motor vehicle as the driver? The period in which an individual can actually have, and hold a legal license to drive a motor vehicle is in their teenage years, which many that day cannot wait until they can finally get their coveted driver’s license. However, teenage drivers are the group of drivers that are more likely to either be involved in, or cause an automobile accident today.

From Reading To The Road

Yet, many ask the question how are teenagers, the age in which an individual has some of the best reflex skills, the group that is most likely to be involved in the majority of car accidents? Today, teenagers have a variety of distractions on the road whether it is blaring loud music on their iPod, texting their friends while driving, or having their cellphone up to their ear talking it up. Teenagers are also the group of drivers that have recently acquired the ability to legally drive and are still just learning about the road, driving etiquette, and what they can expect from other drivers.

The Next Step In Teenage Driver Safety

However, many federal and state transportation entities are taking teenage driver safety to the next level in order to make sure that not only teenagers are safe on roadways, but also everyone else. Many states are now requiring that in order for teenage drivers to receive their license they are required to have logged 50 hours of driving with a driver over the age of 21, and are even not allowed to drive between the hours of 11pm-5am unless with an adult in the vehicle. By doing this many transportation law enforcement entities hope that teenage drivers will take away lessons of the road, and gain experience while with a safe, knowledgeable driver by their side.

Make sure when you have a teenage driver to discuss how to behave and operate a vehicle safely on the road. However, accidents occur and whether you are a teenage driver that has caused, or either been innocently involved with an accident you need an experienced auto accident attorney on your side.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Driving is a fairly average portion of life for many Americans today. Yet, how and when do we actually acquire our skills as a driver? Many individuals can think back to the past and think of the first time that they had their driver’s permit, or how they felt when they finally got their driver’s license.  Yet, as we all know we tend to make a few accidents, or mistakes in our lives especially when we are new at something, such as driving. However, are teenage drivers the same as they were back in yesteryear, or driving at a new “speed”?

Oh To Be Young Again

When teenagers finally get their coveted license to drive they believe in their minds that they are on top of the world. They finally get to drive from place to place without the assistance of their parents, and get to experience fun times with their friends. However, a new study has been done that compares that of driving patterns, and accident proneness to that of behavior when it comes down to teenagers.

The Truth About Teenagers

 The study found that teenagers who showed signs of disrespect, apathy, and an overall bad behavior to be more likely to cause, and be involved with car accidents more frequently than other teenagers their age. Why is this though? The study concluded that with this particular group of teenagers they were less likely to abide by traffic signals, not properly follow the speed limit, not buckle their safety belt, and use their cellular device while behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.

By examining this even closer we can actually see the problem at hand. Considering the fact that teenagers are the age group that are statistically higher to be involved in a car accident solidifies the fact that many teenagers are still learning how to operate and properly drive a motor vehicle, which often times will produce a traffic incident. However, when teenagers have an apathetic attitude towards driving, and simply do as they please behind the wheel of a motor vehicle they not only put themselves at risk of being involved in a serious accident, but also everyone else around them more often than any other age group of drivers.

Make sure to take the time out of your day and do not just tell your children how they should behave behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, but also the consequences that are associated with the negative aspects of driving.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Over 5,000 teenaged drivers will die this year as a result of fatal injuries caused by an automobile accident, while another 400,000 will be seriously injured. Teenagers in the 16-20 age category are at a higher risk than any other group for being involved in a car accident, and while teenaged drivers are only 10 percent of the overall population, they account for over 12 percent of all fatal car accidents. If you’ve ever wondered why insurance rates are so astronomically high for male teenaged drivers, it could be due in part that the death rate due to auto accidents for teen male drivers is more than one and a half times that of their female counterparts.

These young male drivers are also much more likely to drink while driving, drive at excessive speeds and drive without wearing a safety belt. The first couple of years after a teenager gets his or her license is the riskiest period of time during the teen years. Inexperience and recklessness create a volatile combination—one that is very difficult to fix with new teenage drivers taking to the road every day.

Distracted Driving Among Teens

Even though there are more laws being passed against texting or using cell phones while driving, teenagers are among the worst offenders. Because teenagers tend to believe they are bulletproof, they may not always pay such close attention to the laws designed to keep them and others on the road safe. Teens are tied to their phones in ways few adults can understand, and it’s up to the parents to impress upon them the seriousness of texting and driving. Quite often there are numerous other teenaged passengers inside the car being driven by a teenager which multiplies the distractions.

The Responsibility of the Parents

When all is said and done it is the responsibility of the teen’s parents to teach proper driving techniques and practice those techniques every day. Children who grow up observing their parents driving in a consistently safe manner are more likely to do so themselves when they are teenage drivers. If the parents see they are not driving responsibly, it is up to them to take away the driving privileges until proper safety practices are put into place. Your teen’s life could depend on it.

Graduated License Programs Can Prevent Teenage Accidents in Mississippi

Graduated driver licensing programs have proven quite successful in allowing teenagers to get the experience they need before they are fully licensed. A graduated driver licensing program delays a full license for first-time drivers while they drive in low-risk conditions and no more than one passenger. First year drivers are also prohibited from driving after midnight, which is typically a high-risk time for young drivers to be on the road. Programs such as this have led to an almost 39% reduction in fatal car accidents among teens, however no all states are currently on board with the graduated license programs for teens.

Tips to keep Teens Safe in Mississippi

Set limits on after-dark driving for your teen, especially on the freeway, and set a strict limit on the number of friends your teen is allowed to have in the car with them. Maintain a zero-tolerance policy regarding texting and driving and require seat belts to be worn at all times. Make sure your teenage driver fully understands the impact of driving while intoxicated as well as the consequences of underage drinking.

If you’ve been the victim of an accident due to an inexperienced driver or if your teen has been involved in an accident, contact a personal injury attorney who is knowledgeable about the potential consequences of teenage driving.

At Barrett Law, PLLC, a dedicated Mississippi car accident lawyer from our law firm is committed to representing Mississippi car accident victims with the compassion and personal attention that has allowed our law firm to develop a leading reputation throughout Mississippi.  We have been helping Mississippi car accident victims in Lexington and across Mississippi for over 75 years so call Barrett Law, PLLC today at (662) 834-2376.


Teen drivers continue to be a leading cause of Mississippi car wrecks largely because of their lack of experience behind the wheel.  A recent survey of teen drivers revealed that a full 70 percent of teen drivers admit to a near miss accident.  While it might seem these near miss car accidents provide a learning opportunity for many inexperienced teen motorists, the reality is that many of these teen drivers blame the near miss on other drivers or adverse whether conditions.  Almost half of the teens in the survey admitted being in multiple near misses with more than 40 percent admitting to multiple near misses within the last 12 month period.

The timing of the survey is particularly appropriate because the summer usually is a peak period for teen car accidents.  Teen drivers spend substantially more time on the road during the summer because they are out of school.  While the study is helpful, the data also may provide guidance to issues that lead to teen accidents in Mississippi.  A full 55 percent of the time teenagers in the survey who had experienced a near miss blamed it on the other driver or adverse weather.  By way of comparison, teen drivers admitted to engaging in conduct that causes a substantial number of Mississippi car accidents far less frequently:

  • Speeding 9 percent of the time
  • Distraction by passengers 6 percent of the time
  • Texting while driving 2 percent of the time

Based on actual accident rates, these low numbers associated with some of the leading causes of teen car accidents seem unrealistic.  This data suggests that perhaps teen drivers might benefit from education efforts designed to make teen drivers more aware of the dangers of speeding and distracted driving, which are regarded by most traffic safety experts as leading causes of teen accidents.

A prior 2009 study conducted on behalf of Allstate Insurance found that 48 percent of boys and 36 percent of girls admitted to speeding or otherwise driving aggressively.  In teen auto accidents, 39 percent of males and 24 percent of females were speeding.  Government data indicates that distracted driving kills as many as 4,000 teenage drivers per year.

The stark contrast between the near miss auto accident data in the recent survey of teenage drivers and longstanding data on the leading causes of teen driving car accidents in Mississippi and throughout the U.S. reveal a sense of disconnect between teenager attitudes and the real causes behind teen auto accidents.  While no tolerance teen alcohol policies and graduated drivers license programs have helped alleviate Mississippi auto accidents, it appears more education of teens regarding the leading causes of teen accidents might be an important tool in the efforts to curb teen driving fatalities.

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured or suffered wrongful death in a car accident involving a teen driver, the experienced Mississippi teen car accident attorneys at the Barrett Law Office may be able to help you obtain compensation for your injuries or loss.  Our Mississippi car accident law firm has been representing those who suffer personal injury or wrongful death in Mississippi car crashes since 1933 so call us today at (662) 834-2376.