Injuries incurred as the result of a car accident can be devastating in both personal and financial terms. Families mourning the loss of loved ones, who were financial providers as heads of households or caregivers to children or elderly family members, face big financial concerns. Measuring the cost of injuries and deaths resulting from car accidents can be difficult for the courts. Yet, shrewd lawyers representing insurance companies generally play legal games in order to preserve insurers’ corporate bottom lines. The injured and their families or survivors deserve just compensation, but are often slighted without proper legal representation.
A report prepared by the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) using 2005 crash death data, serves as a glaring example of the economic impact of roadway accident deaths. The costs of medical care and lost income for families impacted by the highway death of a loved one in Mississippi was $881-million, compared with $41-billion nationwide.
The primary areas of financial loss in the aftermath of a car accident are:
- Lost income – The economic impact of a car accident on your household income can be devastating. Past and future wages forfeited as the result of death or injury can be compensated through a damages claim.
- Medical bills – In some cases, injuries suffered in a car accident are so severe that lifelong medical care is required. Past and future medical bills, care, and treatment necessitated due to an injury accident may be recovered through a damages claim.
- Mental anguish – The mental trauma suffered as the result of a car accident can sometimes become debilitating. Emotional scars remain, regardless of how hard you work to overcome the experience. Compensatory damages are available to accident victims suffering mental anguish.
- Physical suffering – Anyone who has been injured in a car accident can tell you that pain and suffering are real. The courts see it that way, too. Pain and suffering are compensable damages claims.
- Property damage – Damages to your vehicle or other property (such as a bridge or signage belonging to a third party) are compensable.
If you, or a loved one, have been injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, make an appointment with one of our attorneys by calling (601) 790-1505.