The average tractor-trailer can weigh anywhere from 12,000-80,000 pounds. This can be as much as 25 times more than the average passenger automobile. This disparity explains why a collision between the two vehicles will usually result in far more severe injuries to occupants of a passenger car. A disproportionate number of tractor-trailer accidents result in catastrophic injuries that lead to permanent disabilities and fatalities. This makes it imperative that Gulf Coast motorists do everything in their power to avoid an accident with a tractor-trailer. Large truck collisions account for an eighth of all traffic fatalities.

The experienced Mississippi tractor-trailer attorneys at Barrett Law have been representing commercial truck accident victims throughout the Gulf Coast for over 75 years. If you or someone you love has been involved in a serious big-rig crash, our dedicated and compassionate legal team is available to assess your situation and advise you regarding your legal rights and options. We know the best possible outcome is to avoid collisions involving large trucks, so we have provided some suggestions designed to keep you out of harm’s way.

Stay out of the truck’s blind spots

Many trucks have warnings on the trailer in the form of brightly marked signs that say something like “If you can read this, you are driving too close” or “If you can read this, then I cannot see you.” Tractor-trailer drivers cannot see behind their trucks and they have limited visibility to the sides of the trailer. If you cannot see the driver or their mirrors, then there is a good chance the driver of the tractor-trailer cannot see your vehicle. When a semi-truck driver signals to change into your lane, you should back off or move over and let the driver into the lane. Motorist should avoid the risk associated with speeding up and attempting to pass the truck in this situation because the big-rig operator may not see you.

Respect that tractor-trailers are different from cars

A massive 18-wheeler that is fully loaded can be 65 feet long and weigh as much as 80,000 pounds, which means it cannot maneuver like a passenger vehicle. Tractor-trailers take time to turn, to pull over, and to slow down after the brakes are applied. These limitations of commercial trucks make it important for other motorists to keep a safe distance. If you are immediately behind or in front of these massive vehicles, it is imperative not to travel too close. When passing a big-rig, you should be very careful to promptly pass to avoid being in the blind spot along the side of the vehicle for an extended period.

Pull all the way off the road if you must stop

In addition to the risk of being sideswiped by a semi-truck if you are not pulled way off to the shoulder when stopped, you also might be hit and killed. If you have car trouble or are changing a tire, you want to get as far away from the closest lane of traffic as possible. A fatigued commercial driver can get confused and assume he or she is following moving traffic rather than approaching a stopped vehicle. The driver also might not realize how close he or she is to you and pass by too close.

Drive carefully when in bad weather conditions

When it is raining, snowing, foggy, or other factors that reduce visibility, you should be extremely cautious when driving in the vicinity of a tractor-trailer. In these types of conditions, the truck driver might experience difficulty seeing potential road hazards and stopping when an emergency arises. You should give large commercial trucks more room to maneuver.

Do not instigate “road rage” with a tractor-trailer operator

If a tractor-trailer driver engages in rude or unsafe driving practices like tailgating, you should never retaliate. A fatigued tractor-trailer operator may respond with an act of road rage, which can result in a potentially fatal trucking accident.

Mississippi motorists should exercise caution and respect around semi-trucks because it is the best way to stay safe and avoid serious trucking accidents. Our Mississippi Trucking Accident Attorney represents individual injured by unsafe truck drivers and indifferent trucking companies. At Barrett Law, we are here to help. Contact our firm today at (601)790-7577 to schedule your free consultation, so we can answer any questions you may have regarding filing your claim.