As everyone in the Gulf region is aware, there have been many settlements of BP Oil Spill cases. Do not let anyone tell you that you have missed your chance to receive your fair share of compensation for oil spill damage or cleanup work.  There is still no end in sight to litigation and compensation for many of those affected by the spill. I have written about some of the recent and novel approaches to attaining compensation, as the following claim overviews from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Tampa Bay Lightning illustrate. The following blog post again highlights the fact that there remain many creative cases regarding the oil spill, some of which will result in significant compensation.

Do you have a health condition arising from your contact with the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill? Did you participate in the cleanup effort or come into contact with dispersants? You may be entitled to a portion of settlement funds. If you think your health condition entitles you to some of the BP Deepwater Horizon settlement, having experienced counsel help you attain your fair share is critical. Barrett Law has expertise in BP Oil Spill litigation and has the experience to help you through this process.  Contact us now at (601) 790-1505.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Lightning Have Both Received Significant Oil Spill Settlements

If you live in the Gulf region, you likely know many people who were impacted negatively by the B.P. Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.  Whether it was the loss of a business, financial ruin, or health problems, the Spill continues to have lasting, adverse effects on the region. To make matters worse, many of those affected have had claims denied or have been otherwise unable to be fully compensated for their physical, emotional, and economic injury. As a result, I found it intriguing that both the Tampa Bay Buccaneers football team and the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey team had both received payouts from the B.P. Spill compensation fund.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers have been in the news lately because they tried to seal the courtroom from outside observers as they argue that their share of the BP Settlement was too small. I have seen individuals here in the Gulf be denied thousands of dollars for injuries that will likely linger the rest of their lives.  The Buccaneers still feel that they are owed millions of dollars. I was encouraged that the court of appeals denied the Buccaneers request to seal the courtroom, holding that “The public will be able to access the courtroom it pays for.” The Tampa Bay Lightning also claim to be owed millions from the B.P. Settlement but did not contest having an open hearing.

If these large corporations can continue to fight for more money under the B.P. Oil Spill settlement, I feel strongly that individual Gulf residents and companies should be able to as well.

What Should You Do If You Were Injured or Harmed By the 2010 BP Oil Spill?

If you were injured or developed one of the above health conditions as a result of the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill or its cleanup, you are due compensation for your medical costs, loss of work, and ongoing pain and suffering. You may have heard that it is too late to file a claim or that there is no longer a way to attain compensation for your damages. You may also be able to submit a new application if your earlier attempts were unsuccessful. Don’t let rumors and misleading information get in the way of attaining compensation—the exclusive way to fully understand your options is to hire an attorney with extensive experience in getting BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill claims paid.

Call Barrett Law now, an experienced Mississippi BP Oil Spill law firm, to represent you if you were harmed as a result of the Spill. Barrett Law has the experience to take on defense attorneys that are focused on denying your compensation for the harm you experienced.  Contact us now at (601) 790-1505.