In our lives there are many variables, and aspects of life that are simply out of our hands entirely. Each and every day we are unable to predict what our day has in store for us, which can either go one way, or another in an instant. When we are on the road we usually have many things going on in our minds and having an accident is usually not one of them. However, all of these variables, or negative aspects can occur in a matter of seconds and impact the rest of our lives.

Fearing The Deer

One unexpected variable that many Mississippi drivers can come to terms with in an instant is that of deer on the road. It shouldn’t come as a shock to any Mississippi driver that deer on the road contribute to many severe auto accidents each and every year, especially during the Fall and Winter. Many times, drivers can be paying attention to the road greatly and all of a sudden of a deer run out in front of their vehicle on the road, which can not only cause severe damage to your vehicle, but also could result in your receiving injuries as well.

Being Defensive Against The Deer

Yet, how can you be defensive and help prevent some deer related accidents? First and foremost you should always drive the speed limit, especially around the hours of dawn and dusk. These are prime times of the day that deer are out, and about on the road. Make sure that when you see a deer to always assume that other deer are with it since they usually travel in groups. When you do come face to face with a deer in the road make sure that you do not swerve. Instead, firmly plant your foot on the break and come to a slow, and safe speed and pull over to the side of the road in order to avoid being hit by other drivers, and also allowing the deer to cross the road.

Remember, accidents are a common part of life whether we can somewhat expect them or not. However, some can be easily preventable, especially with the proper awareness. Make sure this Fall, and Winter that you keep your eyes on the road, and the true dangers that deer can put you and your loved ones in.

At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

In our lives we never truly can predict what tomorrow will have and hold for us. While we can predict some aspects of our lives such as our weekly tasks, how long traffic will usually take, or what the special at the deli will be for the day we cannot predict some major things that could alter our lives forever. One example would be that of driving. Every time we get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle we expect that we will encounter a few things on our way to our destination such as other motorists, traffic signs and signals, and possibly a law enforcement officer. However, none of us truly expect or predict that we, ourselves, will be the next ones involved in an automobile accident.

Cause, and Effect

Today, automobile accidents occur each and every day whether we actually see them or not. While automobile accidents vary on scale from simple to severe one thing can be expected to be a result, which is that of damage. When you are involved in an automobile accident you can automatically assume that not only your vehicle is damaged, another vehicle, stationary objects outside the vehicle, but also yourself. The majority of automobile accidents usually end with an individual injured, or even killed.

What You Can Expect

Recently, one case truly highlights would could easily happen to you, or a loved one while on the road. A mother and her three-year-old daughter were on the way home after a long day of errands, and preschool, which led them into a construction zone where traffic was being delayed. The mother followed the pattern of traffic, slowed, and eventually stopped with the rest of traffic. However, a semi-truck trailer collided with her vehicle from the rear, which resulted in the mother’s vehicle being engulfed in flames in a matter of seconds. As a result, the mother and her daughter were killed, which has now left not only a husband, but also a father without his loved ones.

Remember, when you or a loved one is involved in an automobile accident of any kind you have the right to fight for the potential damages you may be entitled to. However, in order to do so you need the help, guidance, and support of an experienced auto accident attorney from start to finish.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Mistakes on the road are one common aspect of our lives that each of us can expect to encounter in one-way or another. When we get on the road we generally have many things on our mind, and are either on our way to run an errand, pick up our kids, commute to and from work, or maybe we are in the midst of a small crisis. However, when we are not completely focused on that of the road, and the safety that is required we can easily become involved in an automobile accident.

The Dangers of The Road

Today, drivers on the road are more dangerous than ever, and are continuing to increase danger for themselves, other motorists, but pedestrians as well each day. However, why is this actually occurring? Distracted driving is at an all time high due to a multitude aspects whether it has to do with actually operating the vehicle’s technology, texting while driving, or overall trying to multitask while driving. More and more drivers are now becoming involved in auto accidents all across the United States and are sustaining not only debilitating, and serious injuries, but also are being killed.

Fighting Back By Buckling Up

Yet, did you know that you could actually increase your safety dramatically by simply wearing something? Seat belts, or safety belts, are equipped in the majority of automobiles. By wearing your seat belt you can significantly reduce the likelihood of sustaining serious injuries, or being killed when you actually are involved in an auto accident. How a seatbelt actually works is it holds the driver in an adjustable position within their seat. When the seatbelt actually reaches a certain point in its mechanism, or when the vehicle has a sudden impact the seatbelt constricts making sure that the driver, or other occupants of the vehicle do not end up either going through the windshield, slamming their head on to the dash board, or are put into any more danger than already present.

Today, laws have actually been passed, which fine drivers for not wearing their seatbelts. Remember, when you are driving you have the power to not only increase your safety, but also advocate it for other within your vehicle. Make sure to always buckle your seatbelt while in a vehicle no matter where you are seated.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Driving is a task, and a responsibility in which we partake in every single day. When we are on the road we are ultimately held responsible for our actions whether they are good or bad. Unfortunately, many drivers are not making reasonable, and wise decisions, which leads to that of collisions, and accidents of many kind. However, some accidents are completely avoidable. One type of accident that individuals can avoid entirely from ever occurring is that of driving under the influence. In a DUI accident an individual chooses to get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol or other substances. However, are DUI accidents a common occurrence when it comes down to teenagers?

Establishing The Present Stance of Teens and DUIs

Teenagers today are both very similar, and different from past generations. Like past generation’s teenagers today are very determined individuals and strike for success in many aspects of their lives. However, one major difference is that of mistakes today within our society that teenagers make. Unfortunately today drinking is a common practice of many teenagers, which in fact is illegal. What is even worse with the matter at hand is that while teenagers are not only illegally consuming alcohol they are also getting behind the wheel of automobiles completely under the influence.

The Truth of The Matter

In case you were unaware teenagers are in fact the leading age group said to be involved in an auto accident of some sort, which is usually stemmed from that of distracted driving. By teenagers not only already having a high risk of being accident prone, but also mixing alcohol into the equation it can easily end with fatal, catastrophic accidents, which easily result not only in injuries, but death as well. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report that stated that teen-alcohol related accidents have been cut in half within the past 20 years. While this number has been significantly decreased it does not however mean that many do not only occur every year, but every day as well.

When you are the parent of a teenage driver it is extremely important to discuss what responsibilities they have while on the road, as well as what they can expect from alcohol being within the mix.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Driving is an aspect of our lives, which the majority of us do almost every single day. Whether we are running errands, commuting to and from work, or even finally being able to head out of town for a well deserved vacation we are literally on the road a large part of our lives. Another aspect of our lives is that of accidents, which also occur every single day on some level or another. However, when you mix both driving and an accident what can you expect as a result?

Feeling The Pain of An Accident

The majority of the time when an automobile accident takes place either one driver, or both will be left with an injury of some kind. While some drivers are graced, and lucky to walk away with a few bruises, or scratches here and there others are left with broken bones, debilitating injuries, and can even be killed. Injuries ultimately come from what type of accident, or collision took place between the two motor vehicles. However, if you think that you got away from an accident without sustaining an injury of any kind think again. Sometimes individuals can suffer from severe pain, muscle and joint problems, as well as internal bleeding after being engaged in an automobile accident.

Making A Dent Not Only In Your Car, But Your Wallet As Well

Another aspect of automobile accidents is that of the financial consequences that result from the accident taking place. As previously discussed, automobile accidents and injuries go hand-in-hand, which will need to be properly treated. In order to get the injuries treated, however, individuals have to either use their health care plan, or unfortunately sometimes must pay out of pocket. Medical expenses can add up very quickly and leave many individuals in debt over time. However, don’t forgot you also probably now have a vehicle that has sustained damage, or has been totaled as a result of an accident, which either will be covered by insurance, or you will have to pay out of pocket.

When you are involved in an automobile accident whether you caused it or not make sure to contact an experienced automobile accident attorney today in order to fight for your case the right way.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

In our lives we are bound to make a mistake, or an accident here and there. Actually, we as humans probably make a slight mistake, or have a small accident almost everyday whether we realize it or not. Yet, when we do make a mistake, or have an accident we have to deal not only with the situation, but the consequences as well. When you drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, prescription medication, or other substances you are making a very big mistake, which results in consequences not only impacting your life now, but later down the road as well.

Just Breathe

Individuals who are found to be driving under the influence face many different consequences that vary conditionally on to what degree they were actually committing their DUI crime. One consequence of a DUI is that of an ignition interlock device. Yet, what exactly is an ignition interlock device? While some states have not fully adopted the device into their DUI criminal recovery program other states are meeting DUIs head on with the device. The device is actually like a breathalyzer with the exception that it is actually installed into your vehicle.

So, what’s next you might ask? In order for your vehicle to start, and actually have the ability to drive it requires that the driver of the vehicle blow into a tube that registers their breath on a blood alcohol content scale, or BAC, in order to make sure that there are not traces of alcohol present over the legal limit. While there are many critics to the device, and its overall function new reports are shining a different, more positive light on the device.

Expectations With Ignition Interlock Devices

Recent reports now state that when ignition interlock devices are implemented into a post-DUI program it not only serves its purpose right at that moment with recovering drivers, but also helps those drivers in the future avoid drinking and driving altogether. Many states that use this device within the past year have seen a significant amount of DUI crimes and instances lowered completely.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Transportation is a major portion of our lives, which we rely heavily on each and every day. Whether we are riding our bicycles to class, driving to work, or flying to another location we have a variety of transportation methods in our world today, which go hand in hand with our responsibilities, and even our regional location. Today, many individuals bicycle recreationally as well as individuals using them for short distance travel such as to school, or in large urban areas. While we have increased safety measures and methods for bicyclists who are actually at fault when an automobile accident occurs with a bicyclists involved?

Do You “Get The Picture” of Roadway Safety?

When we envision in our minds seeing an accident occur that involves that of an automobile and a bicycle we ourselves jump to conclusions about who is solely responsible for it. Many times, automobiles are the ones who are assumed to be the one that caused, and are responsible for the accident-taking place. However, that is not always the case especially in this day and age. Today, many individuals are bicycling for multiple reasons whether it is to get healthier, or they simply are trying to cut down on spending, which a motor vehicle can easily add up.

Looking At Safety And Accidents From More Than A Driver’s Perspective

However, studies and reports are starting to show that bicyclists are now not staying on the paths and areas of the road that are specifically outlined for their safety and driving, and operating their bicycles with sporadic patterns. Unfortunately, this puts them in immediate danger from multiple motor vehicle drivers’ who are simply following the rules of the road.  Although bicyclists are at equal fault of accidents occurring as automobile drivers are, drivers should make sure to display extreme regards to roadway safety, and keep a safe distance away from any paths, trails, or bicyclists out on roads, or highways.

Always remember that part of understanding safety is practicing it in multiple aspects whether as bicyclists, or a motor vehicle operator. Make sure to keep an eye out for others no matter what vehicle you are operating on the road.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

As we come to a new day we have grown another day older. Eventually, as days become weeks and weeks become months and finally years we gain another year of experiences, emotions, and understanding. Aging is a factor of our lives that we have to come to terms with one way or another whether we would like to believe it or not. However, age brings more than that of just understanding, and patience it also brings that of delayed responses, as well as some mental, and physical health issues. Yet, should senior citizens be allowed to hold a valid driver’s license?

Understanding Elderly Drivers

As long as many of us can remember we have always heard of elderly individuals getting out on the road while driving a motor vehicle and not being able to properly maneuver it, or pay attention to traffic, and the safety of other motorists. Today, many elderly individuals are not the safety conscious responsible drivers they once were. Rather, they are contributing to many automobile accidents. At the end of the day elderly, or not these individuals still help, and love us, and ultimately need our help.

Helping Your Elderly Loved Ones Now and Later

When it comes down to your elderly loved one driving a motor vehicle what should you do? While some elderly individuals can drive the same as the always have, or the majority of the time better others cannot. Sometimes with elderly individuals being presented with the issue or their driving not being the safest, or what it once was immediately go into denial and ignore the conversation and the truth altogether. Yet, it is your job to help make elderly individuals understand the risk they run physically with their lives, as well as financially by the situations they put themselves in to being involved in an accident, and sued heavily for damages they caused.

Discuss with your elderly loved ones alternative methods of transportation that do not require them behind the wheel of an automobile, and ultimately surround them with safety. However, if your elderly loved one has been involved in an automobile accident, they need an experienced and an ultimately dedicated automobile accident attorney immediately in order to fight for your rights, and their case.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Driving is a task that we have to participate in almost every day the majority of the time. Yet, do you actually remember the first time you got behind the wheel of a motor vehicle as the driver? The period in which an individual can actually have, and hold a legal license to drive a motor vehicle is in their teenage years, which many that day cannot wait until they can finally get their coveted driver’s license. However, teenage drivers are the group of drivers that are more likely to either be involved in, or cause an automobile accident today.

From Reading To The Road

Yet, many ask the question how are teenagers, the age in which an individual has some of the best reflex skills, the group that is most likely to be involved in the majority of car accidents? Today, teenagers have a variety of distractions on the road whether it is blaring loud music on their iPod, texting their friends while driving, or having their cellphone up to their ear talking it up. Teenagers are also the group of drivers that have recently acquired the ability to legally drive and are still just learning about the road, driving etiquette, and what they can expect from other drivers.

The Next Step In Teenage Driver Safety

However, many federal and state transportation entities are taking teenage driver safety to the next level in order to make sure that not only teenagers are safe on roadways, but also everyone else. Many states are now requiring that in order for teenage drivers to receive their license they are required to have logged 50 hours of driving with a driver over the age of 21, and are even not allowed to drive between the hours of 11pm-5am unless with an adult in the vehicle. By doing this many transportation law enforcement entities hope that teenage drivers will take away lessons of the road, and gain experience while with a safe, knowledgeable driver by their side.

Make sure when you have a teenage driver to discuss how to behave and operate a vehicle safely on the road. However, accidents occur and whether you are a teenage driver that has caused, or either been innocently involved with an accident you need an experienced auto accident attorney on your side.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Driving is a common aspect of life, which we must participate in doing almost everyday. In order to fulfill our daily tasks, get to work or school, or simply pick up the kids we not only need, but also fully rely on our motor vehicles to help us accomplish these, and more. However, mistakes and accidents are also a common occurrence within our lives, which sometimes we have very little control over. Yet, when it comes down to you actually out on the roadways whether as a driver, or a passenger what can you do in order to increase the overall safety of all?

The Responsibilities of A Driver

When you are the operator of a motor vehicle you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders whether you realize it or not. You not only have to worry about your safety, but also all others out on the road whether they are fellow motorists, or pedestrians. When playing the role of driver always make sure that before you do anything that your mirrors are properly aligned, and nothing objects your line of sight. Many accidents happen on the road because drivers cannot actually see what is there, or what is not there. When driving on the road always make sure that you signal properly, abide by speed limits, and always make sure to follow the rules of the road for yourself before attempting to do so for other drivers.

 How You Can Help As A Passenger

Although actually driving a vehicle is important it is also very important that passengers of a motor vehicle understand their safety role within a vehicle as well. Passengers should make it a point to emphasize that drivers pay attention to the road, as well making drivers hand over their cellphone device before the car is even put into drive. Passengers also need to make sure that they are out of the line of sight of the driver in order to make sure that the driver can see all aspects of the road accordingly.

Finally, whether you are a driver, or a passenger it is important to wear your seat belt 100% percent of the time. Studies show that seat belts save lives, and can easily help assist your life in the event of an accident. Remember to always abide by the rules of the road in order to help better not only your safety, but all others as well.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.