While all employers in Mississippi are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance for their employees, many “handymen” or other sole proprietor independent contractors do not take out this sort of insurance to protect themselves in the event that they are injured while providing their services for a homeowner or business. This oversight results in many problems for the injured worker, the most obvious problem being that medical bills go unpaid, and a loss of income causes catastrophic problems for the injured worker’s family. Independent contractors must carry workers’ compensation insurance for themselves. It is inexpensive and can mean the difference between having your bills covered while you heal and bankruptcy.

If you or a loved one was injured on the job, you will need to have experienced workers’ compensation counsel help you attain your fair share of compensation for your injury, loss of work, and recovery. Barrett Law has the experience to help you—contact us now at (800) 707-9577.

Why Handymen and Independent Contractors Need Workers’ Compensation Insurance

People who employ employees are required by Mississippi law to have workers’ compensation insurance. While this is a business expense, it also serves as a safety net for employees who are injured on the job, even if the injury is a result of their negligence or recklessness. While businesses must have workers’ compensation insurance, many handymen, independent contractors, and sole proprietors fail to carry this relatively inexpensive insurance. That is a significant mistake, as if they are injured on the job and can no longer work, it can devastate them financially.

Workers’ compensation insurance covers a wide range of injuries, including travel to and from job sites. It also includes workers who are injured by the third parties that employee them. If you are a handyman that is injured in either of these two situations, you can sue the person who injured you. However, this is likely to be a long, drawn-out process, and it is not guaranteed that you will receive any compensation. That is the beauty of workers’ compensation insurance; it pays out quickly and does not require filing any legal action to collect.

The annual premiums for workers’ compensation insurance will vary depending on the type of work you perform. Regardless of the premium rate, however, the amount is far less than having to pay out of pocket for a severe workplace injury.

What Should You Do If You or a Loved One Has Been Injured While on the Job?

If you or a loved one suffered an injury in the workplace, you must contact a workers’ compensation attorney immediately. Being out of work and the ensuing loss of income can devastate a family and lead to bankruptcy and divorce. Avoid those tragic outcomes by carrying workers’ compensation insurance and attaining the assistance of an experienced Mississippi workers’ compensation attorney immediately following your workplace injury.

If you were injured as a result of a workplace accident or during your commute to the workplace, you will need the assistance of an experienced personal injury attorney to gather your medical records, attain expert opinions regarding how your third party employer caused your injuries, and take depositions of the medical professionals that provided your care, not to mention fighting the other side’s attorneys. These are not tasks that you can accomplish alone. You will need an expert on your side.

Call Barrett Law now, an experienced Mississippi personal injury law firm, to represent you if you have been injured as a result of medical malpractice. Contact us now at (800) 707-9577.