Automobile accidents can happen to even the most careful and skilled drivers. From fender-benders to catastrophic-crashes, defensive driving is a must – something law-abiding citizens know quite well. Injuries frequently result despite the use of airbags, seatbelts, shoulder harnesses, or other safety devices. Preventing automobile accidents directly contributes to reducing crash-related injuries and deaths.
Among the most common causes of roadway crashes are:
- Aggressive drivers – These are drivers who develop “road rage” and fail to exercise due discretion, endangering the traveling public with reckless driving.
- Defective equipment – Drivers who fail to properly maintain their vehicles are a roadway hazard waiting to happen when a bald-tire blows or a muffler drops-off in the middle of an Interstate, sending debris in the direction of other motorists.
- Distracted driving – Drivers focused on activities other than driving, such as talking on cell phones, texting, conversing with passengers, eating, reading, and operating CD players or navigation devices pose a huge risk to the traveling public.
- Impaired driving – Drivers under the influence of over-the-counter, prescription, or illicit drugs or an intoxicating beverage are a risk to other motorists because they lack the coordination to drive safely.
- Medical conditions – Drivers who become incapacitated due to heart attacks, seizures, diabetic complications, and other medical conditions endanger the traveling public.
- Risky behaviors – Drivers exhibiting risk-taking behaviors, such as cutting off other drivers, slowing-down then speeding-up, improper lane changes, cutting-off other vehicles, or making illegal turns.
- Senior drivers – Many senior drivers exhibit slowed response times prevent them from driving defensively or exercising due discretion toward fellow motorists.
- Speeding – Driving in excess of the speed limit or too fast for road conditions poses a safety hazard to every driver and passenger on a thoroughfare.
- Teen drivers – Inexperience, distraction, and unpredictability are risk factors inherent to teenaged driving that place all motorists in peril.
Several states require drivers’ education courses for motorists who have been prosecuted for driving-related offenses. The National Safety Council, a not-for-profit organization, offers a course in defensive driving online and certification (for a fee) for any driver who wants to strategically improve his (or her) defensive driving knowledge (and possible reduce insurance premiums), such as how to minimize costs associated with automobile accidents, how to reduce the incidence of injuries and fatalities, and reinforces good driving skills.
If you, or a loved one, have been injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, make an appointment with one of our Mississippi attorneys by calling (601) 790-1505.