
It is time for summer fun, and while for many people that includes the occasional night out, barbecue, or party, it unfortunately sometimes includes drinking and driving. Drivers who consume alcohol before or during their drive pose a threat to the safety of themselves, and everyone else that is on the road. When an accident occurs and the driver is found to have been under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crash, it is likely that criminal charges will be filed against them. However, criminal charges are just one way in which intoxicated drivers can be held responsible for their actions. As with any automobile accident, the accident victims and/or their families, if there were fatalities, can pursue claims for damages against the driver who caused the accident.

Losing a loved one or being severely injured by a drunk driver can be incredibly painful, and recovering physically and emotionally can take a long time. You are likely to be dealing with the physical pain associated with your injuries, the emotional pain associated with losing someone you love, the stress of paying for medical bills and replacing or fixing damaged vehicles, and more. As you embark on the journey of recovering from your injuries or loss, you may also begin to wonder how you will pay for medical bills and lost wages. You can pursue a claim for damages to recover the costs of your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages, in addition to the pain and suffering that you are experiencing as the result of your injuries or loss.

Each accident that is caused by a drunk driver involves negligence.  A Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorney understands the rules regarding negligence, and the rules regarding evidence. This means that attorneys know exactly which information to gather from police reports, witnesses, experts, and others to present a very convincing case on your behalf. Your attorney can also help you understand the value of your case, so that you do not settle for less than you deserve. If the insurance company refuses to cooperate and acknowledge your loss or damages by proposing an acceptable settlement offer, a Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorney knows how to bring your drunk driving accident case to court and fight for your right to be justly compensated.

Barrett Law PLLC:  Superior Legal Representation for Victims of Mississippi Drunk Driving Accidents

Accidents involving drivers who are intoxicated often result in serious injury or death. If you have been injured, or if you have lost a loved one in a Mississippi automobile accident that was caused by a drunk driver, the Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC want to help you get through this difficult time in your life. You have endured great harm because of another person’s poor choice, and you deserve to have only the best in legal representation. Our team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to tirelessly pursuing the results that our clients deserve. Call Barrett Law PLLC today, at 1 (601) 790-1505 to schedule a free consultation.

Now that warmer weather is here to stay, everyone is eager to get outside. Many people enjoy going out for a walk, whether it is for exercise, recreation, or as a method of transportation. Unfortunately, as pedestrian traffic increases, the risk for automobile-pedestrian collisions also increases. The number of motor vehicle accidents involving pedestrians has been increasing for a few years now, and distracted driving appears to be a major reason for the increase.

When a motor vehicle strikes a pedestrian, the driver of the vehicle is likely to be found to have been at fault for the accident. There are a few ways in which pedestrian accidents often happen. Sometimes, a driver makes a turn as a pedestrian is crossing the street in a crosswalk. At other times, a driver who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol may collide with a pedestrian who they do not see because of their condition. Drivers who run red lights or stop signs also run the risk of striking a pedestrian who is crossing the road at the intersection. Vehicles entering the roadway from driveways sometimes do not notice pedestrians who are approaching, and pedestrian accidents happen this way, as well.

When an automobile strikes a pedestrian, it is highly likely that death or serious injury will occur. When a person has been seriously injured or killed in a pedestrian accident, there are a few types of legal actions which may be filed against the driver by various parties. For example, the State can file criminal charges against the driver if he or she was violating any laws at the time of the accident.

Another type of action that may be filed against the driver of an automobile who has struck a pedestrian is a claim for injuries and damages. These claims are the type of claims that are normally filed by the victims of automobile accidents against the driver’s insurance company (for the purpose of obtaining financial recovery for the injuries and damages they have sustained).

If a person dies in a pedestrian accident, there are two types of actions which may be pursued by the family of the deceased against the driver. A survival action is designed to allow the family of the deceased to recover the damages that the deceased could have recovered, had they survived the accident. A wrongful death action is designed to provide the deceased’s family with compensation for their loss when that loss was caused by someone else’s negligence. In automobile-pedestrian collisions, the negligent party is usually the driver of the vehicle. The family of the deceased can recover several types of damages through a wrongful death action, including lost wages, unpaid medical bills, funeral expenses, loss of companionship, and loss of support.

Barrett Law PLLC: Helping Pedestrian Victims of Mississippi Automobile Accidents

When an automobile strikes a pedestrian, serious injury or death are the most likely outcomes. If you are a pedestrian who has been injured in an automobile accident, or if you have lost a loved one in a motor vehicle-pedestrian accident, the Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC can help you. We will work hard to obtain the results that you and your family need. Call the Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC today at 1 (601) 790-1505 to schedule your free, initial consultation.

Feeling tired has become so commonplace that many of us don’t fully know or appreciate the full extent of it, at times.  To add to our lack of awareness of how tired we are, many of us drink coffee, tea, and energy drinks throughout the day in order to feel more alert. People are busier and more overextended than ever before, and they are sleeping fewer hours than their bodies require on a regular basis. Chronic sleep deprivation has become such a problem for so many people that we sometimes hear news stories about how sleeping too little can harm our health. As terrible as the health effects of not getting enough rest can be, it is important that people understand that there are additional dangers associated with being sleep-deprived.

Lack of sleep, even in situations where it is not chronic, increases the risk of automobile accidents. The number of accidents caused by drowsy drivers has been steadily increasing, as the amount of rest that people are getting has decreased over time. In the United States, approximately forty thousand people are injured and over fifteen hundred are killed each year in accidents caused by overtired drivers.

One sobering fact about driving while you are tired is that doing so can be just as dangerous as drinking and driving. Lack of sleep impairs judgment, slows reaction time, and decreases awareness, all of which can cause drivers to get into accidents. Some drivers stay awake by drinking coffee or energy drinks, chewing gum, or turning on the air conditioner, but these strategies only work for a little while, especially for drivers who are suffering from extreme levels of fatigue. Even worse, drivers who do these things often feel as though they are more alert than they actually are, so they may still be tired enough to cause an accident.

Single-vehicle accidents where the driver is not intoxicated are often found to have been caused by drowsiness, especially in case where there are fatalities or serious injuries. When the drivers of commercial vehicles hit the road with too little sleep, the stakes are even higher (remember hearing about the Tracy Morgan accident?). Trucking accidents can cause serious injuries and fatalities, just like other types of motor vehicle accidents, as well as massive amounts of property damage.

Barrett Law PLLC:  Top Quality Legal Representation for the Victims of Mississippi Car Accidents    

Tired drivers endanger their own lives as well as the lives of others when they get behind the wheel. If you were hurt in an accident that was caused by a drowsy driver, or if you have lost someone you love in a drowsy driving accident, contact a Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorney right away. The Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC will work hard to help you obtain the financial recovery that you deserve. Call the compassionate and dedicated automobile accident attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC today, at 1 (601) 790-1505, to schedule your free consultation.

Drivers must always be aware of many different things while they are driving along the road so that they do not have an accident. There are many different types of automobile accidents, from accidents involving other passenger vehicles, to accidents involving motorcycles, animals, stationary objects, pedestrians, and people on bicycles. All of these people and things can be found on or near any roadway at any time, so driving safely requires maintaining a constant awareness of one’s surroundings. Unfortunately, a split second of inattention is all it takes for an accident to occur.

When an automobile collides with a bicycle, the bicyclist is often killed or seriously injured. The reason for this is obvious – people on bicycles are not surrounded by anything that can protect them from the direct force of the impact, and a bicycle helmet, if the person is wearing one, only protects the head. Fortunately, many motor vehicle collisions with bicycle riders can be prevented, if drivers and riders each work to decrease the risk of accident.

Overall, the risk of accident can be dramatically reduced by avoiding distractions like cell phone use while driving. Abiding by the posted speed limits is another way to greatly reduce the risk of an automobile-bicycle collision. State and local laws regarding how to drive when sharing the road with bicycles vary from place to place, but each set of rules is designed to promote safe road sharing. Both drivers and people who ride bicycles on roads can reduce the likelihood of an accident just by knowing what to do in specific situations, which includes using proper turn signals and being visible at night.  Accordingly, people who ride bicycles on or near roads can protect themselves by wearing brightly colored clothing and using lights for riding at dawn or dusk, or after dark, so that drivers can see them easily. As an additional safety measure, rear view mirrors can be mounted on a bike or on a pair of glasses to enable bicycle riders to see vehicles and other bicycles as they approach from the rear. While a bicycle helmet will not prevent a collision, it is essential that people who ride bicycles on or near roadways wear a properly-fitting helmet at all times to protect their heads in the event of a fall or a collision.

Barrett Law PLLC:  Superior Legal Representation for Mississippi Car Accident Victims  

Accidents involving bicycles and motor vehicles often result in serious injury or death. If you have been injured, or if you have lost a loved one in a Mississippi automobile accident, the Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC are here to help you. You deserve the very best in legal representation, and we are dedicated to pursuing the results that our clients deserve. Call the knowledgeable Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC today at 1 (601) 790-1505 to schedule your free consultation.

After you have been involved in a Mississippi automobile accident, you have a couple of options. You could pursue a claim for damages through your insurance company. You could also contact a Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorney and let them pursue a claim for damages on your behalf. It is possible that you could successfully pursue a claim for damages and obtain compensation for the injuries and damage that you have sustained on your own. Unfortunately, many people who start out pursuing automobile accident claims on their own are not able to obtain the results that they deserve. Whether you have just had an accident and you are wondering what to do or you are working on pursuing a claim for damages and wondering whether things might go more smoothly if you were to retain an attorney, this article is for you. It is always a good idea to enlist the aid of a Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorney in pursuing a claim for damages after an automobile accident for a number of reasons.

One reason why it is important to contact an attorney right away is that people who are represented by attorneys in automobile accident cases often obtain more favorable recoveries than those who resolve their claims on their own, even after accounting for attorneys’ fees. Your attorney can prevent you from accepting a settlement offer that is too low by helping you to understand what your claim is truly worth. Many accident victims accept settlement offers that are inadequate because they do not know that they are free to reject them if they believe that they are too low to compensate them for the full extent of their damages. Your attorney has handled many automobile accident cases, so they understand how to calculate damages accurately. When you know what your case is worth, you have a point of reference from which to judge the adequacy of any settlement offers that are extended to you.

Obtaining a successful resolution of an automobile accident claim may require quite a bit of time and effort. Between negotiating with the insurance company about the amount of damages to communicating with the insurance company and evaluating proposed settlement offers, the time required can really add up. Your life is probably already very busy, and you probably do not have time to wait on hold to speak to someone from the insurance company or to write a follow up letter or email after your first one went unanswered for weeks. If an attorney is making calls and writing letters on your behalf, the insurance company is likely to respond faster because they know that you are poised to litigate your claim if need be.

Barrett Law PLLC:  Incredibly Effective Legal Representation for Mississippi Car Accident Victims  

If you have been injured, or if you have lost a loved one in a Mississippi automobile accident, the Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC want to help you. We will work hard to get you the recovery that you deserve, as you focus your energy on healing from your injuries or helping your family as they mourn their loss. Call the experienced automobile accident attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC today at 1 (601) 790-1505 to schedule your free consultation.

Automobile accident victims experience many different types of injuries. Some types of injuries are even known as being associated with car accidents, because car accident victims are so frequently affected by them. Unfortunately, not all of these injuries are easy to recognize. For this reason, all automobile accident victims should get examined by a doctor as soon as possible after the crash, even if they do not feel hurt.

Neck injuries are a noticeable and ubiquitous car accident injury. Neck injuries are often caused by car accidents because the force of their vehicle colliding with another vehicle or an object stops the vehicles suddenly, causing the heads of people inside the vehicle to violently snap forwards and then back. That type of movement causes whiplash or neck strain, and people who are injured in this manner can experience long recovery times and long-lasting pain.

Automobile accident victims frequently experience back injuries. Back injuries can range from minor injuries with a short recovery time, to severe injuries that require surgery and can affect a victim’s mobility and quality of life for a very long time.

Concussions are another common automobile accident injury, and they can be hard to spot. Open head wounds or skull fractures are both noticeable and painful. However, people who have concussions and may not notice any signs or symptoms of their injuries until a week or more after an accident. Concussions are serious injuries, and the longer they are left untreated, the more damage they are likely to cause.

Facial injuries happen often in car accidents. During a crash, an accident victim’s face may come into contact with the dashboard, the window, the steering wheel, or any number of other hard or sharp objects. When this happens, victims may experience facial bruises, fractures, and cuts which can be minor, moderate, or severe.

The emotional distress that many accident victims experience is also an injury, albeit one that some accident victims find it difficult to discuss with their doctors. Accidents can force people to make sudden changes to their daily lives, and these sudden changes can be difficult to deal with. From learning to live with a debilitating injury to being suddenly unemployed and facing a lengthy recovery before you can return to work, it is not surprising that accident victims suffer emotionally. Emotional injuries like anxiety and depression can cause a great deal of suffering, and they can last for quite some time. Victims who are involved in accidents where they survived and other people died are the most likely to suffer severe emotional damage, but any anyone who has been in an accident is at risk.

Barrett Law PLLC: Dedicated to the Needs of Mississippi Car Accident Victims  

Automobile accidents can cause many different kinds of injuries, and even death. If you have been injured, or if you have lost a loved one in an accident, the Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC are here to help you. We will aggressively pursue financial recovery that meets your needs, so that you can focus on the important work of healing from your injuries. Call the experienced automobile accident attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC today at 1 (601) 790-1505 to schedule your free, initial consultation.

When a car, truck, or SUV hits an animal, the results can be devastating and deadly. Approximately one and a half million motor vehicle accidents involving animals happen on American roads each year. Many of these accidents happen after dark, when it is harder for drivers to see animals. Some animals are more active at night, which also increases the risk of accidents. Dusk and dawn are other peak times for vehicle-animal collisions because of the activity patterns of other animals. There are also seasonal variations in the number of animal accidents due to migration, hunting seasons, mating, and other events which affect the movements of animals throughout their habitats. The weight and size of some animals can cause an enormous impact when they collide with a vehicle. During a collision, if the animal is tossed through the air, it can crash through the windshield or even flatten the roof of the car. When this happens, serious injuries and fatalities are likely to result.

Animals can be present anywhere along the road. Deer are commonly seen where there are open fields. In areas where there are trees or other tall plants along the road, animals can be hard to see until they are actually in the road. Also, some animals, like deer, are often found in groups. If you are driving and you see a deer, carefully scan the area for others that may be nearby.

If you cannot avoid hitting an animal that is in the road, do your best to hit it from an angle. This increases the chance that it will be deflected away from your car instead of into the air. If you hit an animal with your car, there is likely to be extensive damage to your car. Depending upon the terms of your car insurance policy, some or all of the damage and injuries which were caused by the animal-related accident may be covered by insurance. Sometimes, claims for damages in accidents that were caused by animals will not be paid by insurers unless there is a police report available. It is a good idea to call the police after an accident involving an animal anyways, because the animal must be removed from the roadway. Do not try to move dead or injured animals out of the road yourself, as it is very dangerous to do so.

Barrett Law PLLC:  Top Quality Legal Representation for the Victims of Mississippi Car Accidents    

Car accidents involving animals often result in both the driver and any passengers being severely injured or killed.  If you have been injured, or if you have lost a loved one in an accident involving a wild or domestic animal, the Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC want to help you. We will work hard to obtain recovery that meets your needs, while you focus on the important work of healing from your injuries or helping your family as they mourn their loss. Call the experienced automobile accident attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC today at 1 (601) 790-1505 to schedule your free consultation.

A tragic accident occurred recently in Jones County, Mississippi, claiming the lives of four teenagers.  The single vehicle accident happened on Friday, February 6.  The Jones County Sheriff reported that three teens, ages 13, 14 and 16 were killed when the Nissan Altima they were riding in struck a tree.  The car was traveling at a high rate of speed and the driver lost control of the vehicle, sending it careening into a tree.  All four of the occupants were ejected from the vehicle.  None of them were wearing safety belts.  Three of the teens, including two sisters, were pronounced dead at the scene of the accident, while the fourth fought for her life for some time at a local hospital before eventually succumbing to her injuries.  An accident reconstructionist is working to reconstruct the accident, but has reported that speed was certainly a factor in the crash.

Sadly, the death of these four young people was likely preventable.  Had the teens been wearing their seatbelts, as required under Mississippi law, they may have survived the accident.  In the state of Mississippi, all drivers and front seat passengers must wear a seatbelt.  Exceptions include those drivers or passengers with disabilities or medical conditions that make seatbelt use impossible, on duty U.S. Postal Service vehicles, and vehicles intended for farm use.

It is an undeniable fact that seatbelts save lives.  Approximately 64 percent of drivers between the ages of 13 and 15 and 21 to 34 were not wearing seatbelts in 2008.  These age groups have the highest percentage out of all age groups.  Research shows that safety belts reduce the risk of fatal injury to front seat car occupants by 45 percent and the risk of severe injury by 50 percent.

Ejection from the vehicles, as occurred in this Jones County crash, is the most common event that can happen to a person not wearing a seatbelt in the event of an accident.  Over 77 percent of all vehicle occupants who are ejected from the vehicle die as a result.  It is estimated that seatbelts save the lives of over 13,000 automobile drivers and passengers each year.

Of all the teens that die in automobile crashes, about 55 percent were not wearing seatbelts at the time of the crash.  Teens are most likely to not wear a seatbelt, and men are 10 percent less likely than women to wear their safety belt.  Those that live in rural areas have lower rates of seatbelt use, and seatbelt use is lower in states with no seatbelt laws or secondary enforcement laws.

The message to be gleaned from these statistics and this fatal crash is simple:  wear your seatbelt each and every time you get into a motor vehicle, whether you are a driver or a passenger, as this simple act can save your life.

Barrett Law PLLC:  Aggressive Representation for Automobile Accident Victims Across the State

This recent tragic accident illustrates the importance of wearing seatbelts and controlling your speed while driving.  Sadly, these four teens are just a few of thousands who will be killed in automobile accidents this year alone.  If you or a loved one is involved in an automobile accident in the state of Mississippi, the Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC can help.  We assist accident victims in obtaining full compensation for their injuries associated with the crash, including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and much more.  Call the skilled, experienced, and dedicated automobile accident attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC today at 1 (601) 790-1505 to schedule your free consultation.

The recent winter weather has brought freezing rain and ice to much of Mississippi, including the Jackson area.  Over the weekend of February 20, the Jackson area experienced unexpected icing, seriously impacting both bridges and roads.  The freezing rains begin to fall on Friday right before drivers set out on their morning commute.  Drivers were forced to battle heavy congestion and icy bridges in order to get to work.

Multiple accidents were reported on that Friday and in the following days.  At least three weather related fatalities occurred: one in the Greenwood area and two in the New Albany area.  An additional 87 accidents were reported on Friday alone.  One of the major problems facing the area was that meteorologists did not predict the icy conditions, and hence road crews were not prepared to de-ice the bridges.

During icy road conditions, any road can become a dangerous place.  However, the majority of ice related accidents happen on:

  • Bridges, elevated roadways, and overpasses:  Elevated roads collect snow and ice before other roadways, catching drivers by surprise.
  • High speed roads:  It is more common to slide or lose control while traveling at higher speeds.  As such, highways, interests, and turnpikes are the site of many ice related accidents.
  • Curves:  Steering can cause the rear of a vehicle to slide outward while traveling on a curve.  Cars tend to initially fishtail than slide toward the inside of the curve, instead of sliding towards the outside as most drivers would anticipate.
  • Steep hills:  Major hills pose a serious problem in icy conditions, when the friction forces between the tires and the road may not be strong enough to overcome gravity and slow or stop a car on an icy hill.
  • Tunnels:  Tunnels will often contain groundwater seepage, which can coat the roadways in ice during freezes.
  • Deceleration zones:  Braking is a common trigger of slides on icy roads.  Any parts of the roadway that requires drivers to brake could become a hot spot for accidents, such as traffic lights, stop signs, and sharp curves.
  • Acceleration zones:  Accelerating can cause the wheels to spin on icy roads, which may lead to loss of control of the vehicle.  As such, danger zones can include highway on ramps and uphill grades.
  • Low traffic roads:  Roads that are less traveled may be the site of accumulated ice or snow.  These roads are often less quick to be cleared by emergency personnel as well.

It is important to look for warning signs during the winter months as to when ice may appear.  Warning signs will include the presence of temperatures near or below freezing, falling precipitation, ice sticking to your car, or ice sticking to elevated objects.  When these conditions exist, you should presume that the roadways will be icy and require driving with additional care or avoiding the roadways altogether.

Barrett Law PLLC:  Zealous Representation for the Victims of Car Accidents in Mississippi   

Car accidents due to ice and sleet can result in serious injuries and death to those involved.  If you or a loved one is injured in an automobile accident related to poor weather conditions, the Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC are here to help.  Poor weather conditions require all drivers operate their vehicles in a safe manner, including lower their speed and exercising additional caution.  Those who fail to act in a reasonable manner can be held responsible for the injuries and damages they inflict.  Call the experienced automobile accident attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC today at 1 (601) 790-1505 to schedule your free consultation.


Drugged driving is an emerging problem across the U.S., but many people are unaware of the magnitude of the problem.  Some of the unique challenges faced today include:

  • Thousands if not tens of thousands of impairing drugs exist, both illegal and legal, that hold the potential to impair driving ability.  Drugs that can impair driving extend far beyond illicit drugs, to include prescription drugs, over the counter drugs, and legal medicinal or recreational marijuana.
  • Many drivers get behind the wheel after consuming a mix of drugs and alcohol.  This dual use, known as poly use, results in serious impairment and creates a whole host of serious issues.
  • Currently, there is no system for widespread data collection among the states concerning drugged driving like there is for drunk driving.

What is Drugged Driving?

Drugged driving is defined as the presence of legal or illegal substances that impair driving ability.  Poly abuse is defined as a person mixing drugs and alcohol, then getting behind the wheel.

How Drugs Affect Driving Skills

Drugs have an effect on nearly every system in the body, and their impact extends to:

  • Reaction time:  Drugs will slow a driver’s response and reaction times.
  • Coordination:  Drugs impact the nerves and muscles, making reasonable steering, braking, accelerating, and overall control of the vehicle difficult.
  • Judgment:  Drugs have great cognitive effects, hindering a person’s ability to assess risks and hazards by decreasing the fear response and thus increasing risk taking behavior.
  • Attention:  A variety of drugs are known to make it difficult for individuals to focus and process information.
  • Tracking:  Drugs diminish a driver’s ability to stay in their lane and maintain a safe following distance.
  • Perception:  Some 90 percent of the information processed by the brain is visual, making vision impairment due to drugs a serious danger.

Even a small amount of drugs can have a measureable effect on one’s driving ability and not all individuals react the same to every drug, even prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

Drugged Driving Presents Legal Challenges

While each state has set a maximum blood alcohol content level that is legal for an individual to still be able to drive, drugs cannot so easily be measured.  Testing for drug usage is not always as simple as a Breathalyzer test or even a blood test.  Some drugs can quickly leave the system, while others will remain there for long periods of time, making drug tests inaccurate for the purposes of charging someone with drugged driving.

Most states have taken the approach of evaluating the impact of the drugs on the person’s driving and coordination.  While this will accurately detect drug usage for some drugs, others may escape arrest.  New methods for combating drugged driving will likely be necessary in the future.

Barrett Law PLLC:  Fighting for the Recovery of DUI and Drugged Driving Victims  

Drugged driving is becoming a growing concern among road users across the U.S.  There are a number of drugs, both illegal and illegal, as well as prescription and over-the-counter, that impair a driver’s ability to responsibly focus on the road ahead.  Drugged driving can also be harder to detect as testing for these substances is more difficult than it is for alcohol.  The Mississippi Automobile Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC have assisted numerous victims of drugged driving.  We understand the unique issues that surround these cases and will fight to see that you obtain the compensation you deserve and justice is served.  Call the outstanding automobile accident attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC today at 1 (601) 790-1505 to schedule your free consultation.