
In our world today accidents are one portion of lives that we can expect to encounter pretty much everyday. Ultimately accidents vary, but can all be seen to have and hold that of consequences, which vary greatly depending on how severe the accident was. For example, when we drop our favorite coffee mug on the way out the door in the morning we can expect not only to have our coffee spill everywhere, but also deal with the damage the mug sustained as well. Very similar to this type of accident is that of auto accidents, but with consequences that can be a bit more extensive, especially financially.

When you deal with that of an auto accident you deal with three major aspects of consequences which is that of injuries sustained from the accident, the legalities that are associated with your role in the accident, and finally, the financial aspect of an auto accident. One of the more consequences today is that of the financial aspects associated with an auto accident. Ultimately, if one truly looks at all of these consequences that are associated with an auto accident that of financial consequences are associated with each, and every one of them.

After you have been involved in an auto accident you already face the physical issues at hand, which include that of injuries that were sustained, as well as whether or not you caused the auto accident. When you have been injured from an accident you rely on your health care plan, or maybe even out of pocket expenses in order to help get the medical treatment you need. However, today, in order to not only see a health care professional, but also get diagnosed, and treated for your injury costs a great deal of money, which many people simply cannot afford. Yet, the financial difficulties are not over there. Depending on your involvement in an accident, and whether or not it has anything link to a criminal act you could face serious legal consequences such as fines, jail time, probation, or required program involvement.

Finally, after everything medically, and legally is taken care of you can finally sit back and relax, right? Wrong. Let’s not forget that we were involved in an auto accident, which probably means that our vehicle sustained some type of damage in the process as well. Remember, all of these can add up and in the blink of an eye leaving you, and your loved ones in a financial rut. Make sure when you are involved in an accident to contact a serious auto accident attorney immediately.

If you, or a loved one, have been injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, make an appointment with one of our Mississippi auto accident attorneys by calling (601) 790-1505.

Mistakes on the road are one common aspect of our lives that each of us can expect to encounter in one-way or another. When we get on the road we generally have many things on our mind, and are either on our way to run an errand, pick up our kids, commute to and from work, or maybe we are in the midst of a small crisis. However, when we are not completely focused on that of the road, and the safety that is required we can easily become involved in an automobile accident.

The Dangers of The Road

Today, drivers on the road are more dangerous than ever, and are continuing to increase danger for themselves, other motorists, but pedestrians as well each day. However, why is this actually occurring? Distracted driving is at an all time high due to a multitude aspects whether it has to do with actually operating the vehicle’s technology, texting while driving, or overall trying to multitask while driving. More and more drivers are now becoming involved in auto accidents all across the United States and are sustaining not only debilitating, and serious injuries, but also are being killed.

Fighting Back By Buckling Up

Yet, did you know that you could actually increase your safety dramatically by simply wearing something? Seat belts, or safety belts, are equipped in the majority of automobiles. By wearing your seat belt you can significantly reduce the likelihood of sustaining serious injuries, or being killed when you actually are involved in an auto accident. How a seatbelt actually works is it holds the driver in an adjustable position within their seat. When the seatbelt actually reaches a certain point in its mechanism, or when the vehicle has a sudden impact the seatbelt constricts making sure that the driver, or other occupants of the vehicle do not end up either going through the windshield, slamming their head on to the dash board, or are put into any more danger than already present.

Today, laws have actually been passed, which fine drivers for not wearing their seatbelts. Remember, when you are driving you have the power to not only increase your safety, but also advocate it for other within your vehicle. Make sure to always buckle your seatbelt while in a vehicle no matter where you are seated.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

In our lives we are bound to make a mistake, or an accident here and there. Actually, we as humans probably make a slight mistake, or have a small accident almost everyday whether we realize it or not. Yet, when we do make a mistake, or have an accident we have to deal not only with the situation, but the consequences as well. When you drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, prescription medication, or other substances you are making a very big mistake, which results in consequences not only impacting your life now, but later down the road as well.

Just Breathe

Individuals who are found to be driving under the influence face many different consequences that vary conditionally on to what degree they were actually committing their DUI crime. One consequence of a DUI is that of an ignition interlock device. Yet, what exactly is an ignition interlock device? While some states have not fully adopted the device into their DUI criminal recovery program other states are meeting DUIs head on with the device. The device is actually like a breathalyzer with the exception that it is actually installed into your vehicle.

So, what’s next you might ask? In order for your vehicle to start, and actually have the ability to drive it requires that the driver of the vehicle blow into a tube that registers their breath on a blood alcohol content scale, or BAC, in order to make sure that there are not traces of alcohol present over the legal limit. While there are many critics to the device, and its overall function new reports are shining a different, more positive light on the device.

Expectations With Ignition Interlock Devices

Recent reports now state that when ignition interlock devices are implemented into a post-DUI program it not only serves its purpose right at that moment with recovering drivers, but also helps those drivers in the future avoid drinking and driving altogether. Many states that use this device within the past year have seen a significant amount of DUI crimes and instances lowered completely.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Technology is an aspect of our world that is constantly changing every single day. The moment that we purchase the most updated, newest item the very next day it becomes either the previous model, or outdated. Although the actual hardware of technology can change, and vary over time their role and function seems to remain the same. The cellphone is one device that is constantly changing with different features, but is still used for its main purpose, communication. Today, texting is a common form of communication, which a variety of individuals participate in all throughout the day.

Cellphones behind the Wheel

However, one place that texting is, and should not be is behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Texting and driving today claims the lives of many, and can occur in the blink of an eye all throughout the United States. Research, and studies show that texting while driving, or using your phone at all behind the wheel of a motor vehicle is actually more dangerous than driving under the influence. We see accidents caused by texting and driving, or using a cellphone all the time, which we may actually even ourselves cause, or be involved in. Yet, when it comes down to an automobile accident caused by a text message is the sender, or the receiver at fault?

Sender or Accident Contributor?

Usually, one would automatically think that an individual who reads the text message while driving is at fault. However, one recent case shines a new light on the matter at hand. A 19-year-old man was driving and was texting his mother, who knew he was out driving. As a result, the boy crashed into two motorcyclists, which led to one’s legs being amputated and the other being seriously injured. Today, the attorney of the motorcyclists is claiming that the mother is also at fault for the accident and knew that her son was operating a motor vehicle and texting at the same time.

When it comes down to cellphones within a motor vehicle make sure that yours is put in your glove compartment box, or in your consol. If you are truly the type of individual who is always talking on the phone makes sure to invest in a hands free device that can help you keep your attention on the wheel and the road.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Driving is a fairly average portion of life for many Americans today. Yet, how and when do we actually acquire our skills as a driver? Many individuals can think back to the past and think of the first time that they had their driver’s permit, or how they felt when they finally got their driver’s license.  Yet, as we all know we tend to make a few accidents, or mistakes in our lives especially when we are new at something, such as driving. However, are teenage drivers the same as they were back in yesteryear, or driving at a new “speed”?

Oh To Be Young Again

When teenagers finally get their coveted license to drive they believe in their minds that they are on top of the world. They finally get to drive from place to place without the assistance of their parents, and get to experience fun times with their friends. However, a new study has been done that compares that of driving patterns, and accident proneness to that of behavior when it comes down to teenagers.

The Truth About Teenagers

 The study found that teenagers who showed signs of disrespect, apathy, and an overall bad behavior to be more likely to cause, and be involved with car accidents more frequently than other teenagers their age. Why is this though? The study concluded that with this particular group of teenagers they were less likely to abide by traffic signals, not properly follow the speed limit, not buckle their safety belt, and use their cellular device while behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.

By examining this even closer we can actually see the problem at hand. Considering the fact that teenagers are the age group that are statistically higher to be involved in a car accident solidifies the fact that many teenagers are still learning how to operate and properly drive a motor vehicle, which often times will produce a traffic incident. However, when teenagers have an apathetic attitude towards driving, and simply do as they please behind the wheel of a motor vehicle they not only put themselves at risk of being involved in a serious accident, but also everyone else around them more often than any other age group of drivers.

Make sure to take the time out of your day and do not just tell your children how they should behave behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, but also the consequences that are associated with the negative aspects of driving.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

After you’ve been involved in an automobile accident, and filed all the necessary paperwork, you may be stunned to find the other party—or their insurance company—asserting they were not at fault, or, worse, that you were at fault. If what you thought was going to be a simple claim process has suddenly gone south, you will need some information about the process in order to determine what to do next.

The Defendant Asserts No Negligence Was Involved

Perhaps you have filed your claim under the belief the other person was either reckless or negligent, and he or she is now asserting they behaved in the same manner as any judicious person would have. The plaintiff (you, if you filed the suit) must prove negligence as a prerequisite to collecting damages, therefore if the defendant can show that his actions were completely normal and reasonable, your claim may die a slow death.

The Defendant Asserts That You Were the Negligent Party

If the defendant asserts that any of the negligence involved in the accident was yours, then he has created a certain level of defense, at least in the handful of pure contributory negligence states. Comparative fault regulations are generally the standard in most states, however, so this will not often work as a defense. In contributory negligence states, if any of the fault for the accident was yours, then it can be argued that your own negligence was also a factor in the accident thereby barring your right to recover any damages from the other driver.  In the comparative fault states, there will generally be a rule in place that allows you to sue if the other driver was at least more than fifty percent responsible.

The Defendant Asserts You Didn’t Fully Prove Your Case

As the plaintiff you have the weight of demonstrating negligence on the part of the other driver as well as proving that negligence caused you specific harm. In our system, defendants don’t have the responsibility of proving they are not responsible for an accident. If you are unable to prove the foundations of the case, then the other driver can be judged not liable.  It’s very important that you or your lawyer have all elements of your case firmly in place before it ever goes to trial, or you may find yourself unpleasantly surprised.

The Defendant Asserts Your Injuries are Not Real

If the other driver claims you are exaggerating your injuries from the accident simply for the sake of collecting compensation—and is able to successfully prove this assertion—he may be able to walk away without any responsibility for your accident and resulting injuries. Ensure you are able to prove your injuries are medically factual through doctor’s reports, hospital reports and any paperwork pertaining to medications you are on as a result of the accident.

In twelve specific states, a car accident lawsuit may only be brought if your injuries are deemed “serious” under the specific rules of the state. The theory in this law is to prevent the filing of lawsuits for relatively “minor” accidents. However, if you have suffered a “minor” injury as the result of a car accident, and that injury is causing you considerable amounts of pain, medical bills and time away from work, you may disagree with your state’s definition of “minor.” Because this process can be incredibly complex, and because you don’t want to end up in court only to have the defendant claim any of the defenses above, it is crucial that you hire an experienced personal injury attorney who will be aware of the laws in your specific state.

The advent of side-impact crash tests began back in 1997 by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).  These tests involved only cars but grew to include pickup trucks, SUVs and vans. The test slams a barrier into the driver’s side of a vehicle at 38.5 miles an hour with a dummy in the driver’s seat of the car and another one placed in the rear passenger seat. The dummies are wearing their seat belts when the test is conducted.  The dummies are measured by instruments to see what, if any, injuries they sustained and then the car is given a crashworthiness rating in stars. The star rating goes from one to five stars, and the higher the star rating the safer the car.

While these tests provided valuable information about vehicle safety, the rising number of larger vehicles like SUVs and trucks led the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety to develop a new side-impact crash tests in 2003. These tests were thought to better predict a car’s safety when it hit by a larger vehicle such as an SUV. In some of the first crash safety tests conducted under this updated system, two out of twelve small SUVs were rated good and only two out of ten midsize sedans were rated good.

These tests were a little bit different than the old test in other ways also.  The barrier that struck the car was a foot taller (mimicking the height of an SUV), the barrier only struck at 31 mph rather than 38.5 mph, and the dummy was smaller (mimicking the size of a small women or teenager).  The dummy was smaller in order to test for the effectiveness of side airbags.

Changes Have Come

Side airbags are now all but standard on many of the new passenger vehicles on the market.  A substantial amount of these improvements are due to the testing that IIHS conducted starting back in 2003.  Impacts from side collisions can be especially devastating because there is no crumple zone like on the front and rear of a vehicle. The makers of automobiles also have done a lot over the years to actually strengthen the sidewalls of vehicles as well as installing side air bags.

The overall conclusion after analyzing crash data of the tests over a period of decades is that airbags and a vehicle’s structure work together to help minimize injuries in side-impact crashes. Without side airbags in a car, the chances of serious injury or death are greatly increased.  This is significant because 28.9% of all auto accidents in the U.S. and 20.9% of all fatalities are due to side-impact or T-bone accidents according to the NHTSA.  These accidents often occur at intersections where other drivers fail to yield or stop. The injuries that a person can sustain in side-impact accidents can be severe including spinal cord injuries, head injuries, brain damage, soft tissue injuries and broken bones.  If you have been injured in a side-impact (T-bone) crash in Mississippi, then you need the services of a good Mississippi personal injury attorney.  The experienced Mississippi accident lawyers at the Barrett Law Office have been representing T-Bone accident victims since 1933.  Our experienced Mississippi car accident lawyers offer a free initial case evaluation so call us today at (662) 834-2376.

Would you know what to do if you were involved in a Mississippi car accident?  Many people have never been in a serious car accident and would prefer not to consider the possibility.  However, a driver who ignores the possibility of being involved in a serious motor vehicle accident has a false sense of security.  Even if you do everything perfectly and exercise extreme caution whenever you are behind the wheel, you can still be involved in a serious car accident resulting from another person or entities negligence.

Some common causes of automobile accidents in Mississippi include reckless driving, speeding, DUI, talking or texting on a cell phone, mechanical defects, road conditions and adverse weather.  Although a conscientious and responsible driver can reduce his or her risk of being involved in a serious car accident, there are circumstances beyond one’s control that can result in serious injury in an auto accident.  If you are prepared for a car accident, it can have a significant impact on your ability to obtain compensation for your injuries.  We have provided some basic guidelines for being prepared for a Mississippi car accident, which can help you protect your right to compensation if you suffer serious injury or lose a loved one.

Three Things Every Driver Should Keep in Their Car at All Times

  • Disposable Camera: This very inexpensive item can be invaluable if you are involved in a car accident.  It can be used to take pictures that may preserve critical evidence regarding the accident scene, damage to the vehicles, the surrounding area and any visible signs of injury.  It is advisable to take pictures from every conceivable angle because this will help an accident reconstruction expert understand and explain the cause of the accident as well as determine potential liable parties.
  • Notepad:  If you are involved in an accident, you should take notes on information provided by witnesses and record the insurance information from the other driver.  It is also important to take notes on your recollection regarding how the accident occurred.  Many people are shaken and emotional immediately following a car accident so it can be hard to remember the details later if you do not take notes.
  • Insurance information: You will need to provide this to the police as proof of insurance and to the other driver when exchanging information following a serious car accident.  It is important to ensure that this information is current and your insurance policy has not lapsed.  If you are involved in a serious car accident and do not have insurance in place, it can have serious adverse consequences if you are involved in a motor vehicle accident.

If you are suddenly involved in a car accident you should immediately take the following steps:

  • Immediately call 911
  • Check to see if anyone is injured and assist where possible
  • Exchange information with the other driver including name, address, telephone number and name of insurance company
  • Cooperate with the police
  • Talk to witnesses and write down their names and addresses along with any information concerning the accident while it is still fresh in the witness memory
  • Do not make any statements admitting liability or responsibility
  • Call your insurance company and give them a detailed report
  • See a doctor even if you feel like you are uninjured as not all car injuries are apparent right away
  • Get a copy of the police report

After the accident has taken place and you have received the police report, you should contact an experienced Mississippi accident attorney.  The initial consultation will not cost you anything, and the information you will receive will be priceless, especially if you suffered injuries.  An experienced Mississippi car accident attorney will gather and preserve evidence and deal with any insurance companies.  Insurance companies will do their best to get you to settle quickly without the assistance of an attorney.  This will only benefit the insurance company and not you because it will typically mean settling an auto accident injury claim before you are aware of the full extent of your injuries or have obtained legal advice.  If you have been seriously injured or have lost a loved one in a Mississippi car accident, you should call our Mississippi accident lawyers.

Barrett Law, PLLC will take every step possible to help you obtain maximum recovery as compensation for your lost wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering, diminished enjoyment of life and other damages resulting from the Mississippi car accident.  You have the right to receive the proper compensation and benefits you deserve. We have been representing those throughout Mississippi involved in car accidents for over 75 years so contact us immediately at (662) 834-2376 to learn how we can help.

Tire blowouts are extremely common and extremely dangerous.  They cause over 23,000 motor vehicle accidents a year in the U.S. resulting in 500 fatalities. That is more than one fatality a day and more than 60 auto accidents a day.

What Causes Tire Blowouts?

  • Low tire pressure
  • Worn out tires
  • Defective tires
  • Puncture in the tire
  • Overloaded vehicle

By inspecting your tires on a regular basis, you may be able to prevent or at least reduce the likelihood of experiencing a tire blowout.  It is important to always take your car into a reputable tire dealer to have balancing and rotating done.  Mississippi drivers should be wary of bargain tire shops that do not have a solid reputation because they may use defective tires to save money.

Motorists in Mississippi should keep track of mileage since their tires were replaced and be mindful of when the tires need to be changed out. The appropriate time to replace your tires will depend on what type and how much driving you do. Your tire dealer will let you know too.  It is also very important to check your tire pressure frequently either just by looking at them or better yet take a hand-held pressure gauge and check them. If you need air go down to the local gas station and pump them up.  Under-inflated tires frequently results in serious blowout related Mississippi auto accidents.

Blowouts and Accidents

Tire blowouts are never expected and impossible to prepare for so that driver’s are usually caught off guard and panic when they occur. This is why preventing tire blowouts when navigating the highways and streets of Mississippi is the best line of defense.  Even if you take careful precautions, tire blowouts on Mississippi roadways may still occur, especially if you have defective tires on your vehicle so you should know how to handle the situation when it occurs.

The noise of a tire blowing out is going to sound like a big boom, which often startles drivers.  You should regain your composure and make sure that you have both hands on the wheel.

1. Try not to slam on your brakes or jerk the steering wheel one way or another.

2. Maintain your speed as best you can in a straightforward direction.

3. You will need to counter-steer a bit because whatever side the blown out tire is on, that car is going to being pulling in that direction.

4. Stabilize the car, begin to slow down and carefully pull over to the side of the road.

5. Once you get over to the side of the road, be careful that you pull as far off the road as possible and be careful of oncoming traffic if you get out of the car.

If your blowout occurs on new tires then it may be a manufacturing issue with the tires. Most tires have a warranty so if you bring them back to your tire dealer, they should be able to help you. If you or anyone was injured or even killed due to the blowout then the manufacturer could be liable.

If your tire blowout turns into a car accident causing you or your loved one to be injured, you should call our experienced Mississippi defective tire attorneys right away.

At Barrett Law, PLLC, our Mississippi accident lawyers have been representing residents in Lexington and throughout Mississippi in serious motor vehicle accidents for over 75 years.  We offer a free initial case evaluation so that we can assess your case and advise you of your rights so contact us today at (662) 834-2376.