Today, driving is an average portion of our lives in which we participate doing almost every single day. When we get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle we are commuting from our home to the office, running errands, or maybe just enjoying the day with a ride around town. Yet, accidents and mistakes are an average part of our lives today whether we can predict their occurrence or not, especially when they occur on roads involving automobiles. However, when we are adults we are under the impression that we fully understand how to operate a motor vehicle in multiple aspects, right?

Parenting 101

One aspect of being behind the wheel of a motor vehicle is that of setting a standard, and being a role model. Whether you believe it or not, children are always looking to see what you do, they learn from your behavior. Unfortunately, today, parents and adults are still behind the wheel texting, and using their cellphone. Some of this stems from the economy.  We are fearful of losing our jobs, and therefore we work longer hours and after hours in order to be seen as valuable employees.  Sadly, this also means we text, surf the internet, and take and make calls while behind the wheel. Youth watch us, and they learn that this behavior is acceptable.  We must change our behavior and set a good example in order to teach the next generation safer habits while driving.

Setting An Example At Home, And Behind The Wheel

Recently, State Farm released a study claiming that while teenagers are still the group of individuals more likely to be involved with an accident in some fashion.  However, their parents aren’t far behind.  An overwhelming number of parents are behind the wheel on their cellular device texting, talking, or emailing. What is even worse about it is that when asked, teenagers stated that they used their cellular devices as a result of seeing their parents and other adults do so.

Remember to discuss roadway and motor vehicle safety with your children. It could not only help prevent an accident from taking place, but it could also save lives.

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