An automobile accident occurs in a split-second, but the impact can last a lifetime. The resulting injuries too often necessitate changes in lifestyle or cause strife in relationships.  The dad who used to throw the football around with his kids is suddenly unable to care for himself – let alone enjoy the simple pleasures of parenting. In other words, there’s nothing frivolous about seeking compensation for injuries sustained in an automobile accident. Although impossible to reposition the lives of you and your family to exactly the way it was pre-accident, a lawsuit seeking compensatory and punitive damages makes it possible for you and your loved ones to garner the financial resources to create a brighter future.

The word “injury” is frequently tossed around and can be misleading, sometimes making the average onlooker perceive a compensable injury as inconsequential – like a hang-nail. The reality is that auto accident injuries can be quite severe, often resulting in chronic pain, permanent disability, or even death. Victims who seek a judicial remedy for their injuries, pain, and suffering are quite deserving of the awards allowed under the law and more.

Among the injuries that can result from a car accident are:

  • Broken bones
  • Concussion
  • Contusions
  • Disfigurement
  • Funeral and burial costs
  • Internal organ damage
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of sensory function
  • Loss of limbs
  • Spinal injuries
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Wrongful death

If you and your family are dealing with the immediate aftermath of car accident injuries, you understand the high-level of specialized medical care your loved-one-suddenly-turned-patient now requires. Some car accident victims require long-term care that families are generally not equipped to handle.  Medical care – especially long-term care – although necessary, is bank-breakingly expensive. Most families simply don’t have the resources lying around.

When faced with the adversity of automobile accident injuries, always contact a reputable attorney as soon as possible to discuss your circumstance before agreeing to sign-off on an insurance settlement. Hiring an experienced lawyer to handle your personal injury claim under Mississippi Code Annotated § 85-5-7 (2012) can bring you peace of mind and the compensation you deserve.

If you, or a loved one, have been injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, make an appointment with one of our Mississippi attorneys by calling (601) 790-1505.