A recent accident on the Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway in Dallas, Texas, highlights the dangers when a heavy truck is involved in an accident with cars.  On September 10, 2013, a dump truck was travelling east down one side of the divided road when, according to eye-witnesses, a plume of smoke erupted and the truck slid over one car and pinned it underneath the truck.  The dump truck then jumped across the concrete median barrier into the westbound lanes of traffic and came to rest on a Lexus sedan travelling in one of the westbound lanes. The two individuals in the Lexus—Tarleton and Benna Mullikin—were killed.  Daniel Cerean, the driver of the other car that was pinned underneath the back of the dump truck, sustained injuries but is recovering.  The freeway was closed for five hours in both directions while local authorities attended to the scene.  Authorities have not yet issued details about the cause of the crash.  The dump truck belonged to a company that is a subcontractor working on the roadway construction on the freeway.

Accidents involving large, commercial vehicles and smaller, consumer vehicles often end with disastrous consequences due to the disparity in size between the vehicles.  When accidents like this occur, it is important to ensure that an accident reconstruction expert is retained to thoroughly examine the potential causes of the accident.  Commercial trucks, including semi-trailers, construction trucks, dump trucks, and similar large commercial trucks, are more complicated that vehicles designed for consumer use.  They also experience much more extreme wear, use, and strain simply because of the purposes for which they are designed.  Because of this, proper maintenance of commercial trucks is vital. Unfortunately, the owners of these trucks sometimes do not properly maintain them.  This inadequate maintenance can lead to accidents. Inadequate maintenance can cause issues in braking systems, tires, and load distribution capabilities.

Frighteningly, braking systems are a common area of insufficient maintenance.  The weight of commercial trucks and the force needed to stop them can lead to tragedy when brakes have not been properly inspected, serviced, or replaced.  Simply put, inadequately maintained braking systems prevent trucks from stopping when they should or, even worse, from stopping at all.

Inadequately maintained tires is a second major cause of trucking accidents.  Tires are vital to the safe operation of all commercial trucks.  When tires are not replaced at the end of their useful like, the risk of a tire blowout increases dramatically. Tire blowouts can cause drivers to lose control or be unable to maneuver the truck or to be unable to slow or stop the truck.

Trucks haul things; that is what they are specifically intended to do.  This function is made possible by a multitude of coupling devices, bolts, and locking mechanisms, just to name a few. If these parts are insufficiently maintained, eventually they can fail.  When such a failure occurs, the load a truck is transporting can shift or completely fall loose from the truck.  Obviously, loads falling completely loose represent a hazard to all oncoming traffic.  Shifting loads can also cause the truck to lose control.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident involving a commercial truck, it is important to retain an attorney experienced in this type of personal injury lawsuit.  You need an attorney who understands when an expert is necessary, and knows which experts on which to rely.  You also need an attorney who understands how to fight insurance companies—sometimes, many of them at the same time.  Barrett Law, PLLC has been fighting for the rights of individuals injured as a result of trucking accidents for decades.  We are here to fight for you.  Please contact us today at (601) 790-1505 to learn more about how we can help you.