Entries by barrettlawms

Mississippi Workplace Accident Attorney Discusses Workplace Accidents Involving Electricity

Most workplaces use electricity. From the electrical systems that power office buildings where employees use computers and other electronic devices to do their work to large manufacturing facilities that power massive machines with large amounts of electricity, electricity flows around most of us for much of our workday. Unfortunately, electricity can hurt and even kill […]

Mississippi Whistleblower Attorney Says Whistleblowers are Fighting to Protect Public Lands from Exploitation

An employee of the United States Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has filed a complaint against the agency, alleging that the Bureau is allowing illegal activities to occur on federal public lands in Nevada. Dan Patterson, a BLM employee, was suspended after making the complaint, which describes what he believes to be multiple violations of […]

Mississippi Whistleblower Attorneys Say Taking Employee Reports About Safety Concerns Seriously Could Save Lives

The management teams of large companies like Columbia Gas of Massachusetts do not see every detail of the day to day operations of their companies. Fortunately, those companies have thousands of employees who are working for them every day who see every detail of their work. Those employees are a valuable source of information that […]

Mississippi Whistleblower Attorneys Say Whistleblowers Could Play a Key Role in Stopping Money Laundering Schemes

Money laundering has been going on for over two thousand years, and many people are unaware of how much money is laundered on a worldwide basis every year. It is estimated that between eight hundred billion and two trillion dollars of cash annually are received illegally and passed through legal businesses to make those dollars […]

Mississippi BP Oil Spill Attorneys Say Environmental Protection Advocates Have Filed a Lawsuit Demanding EPA Update Outdated Oil Spill Response Plan

The United States Environmental Protection Agency has a plan for responding to offshore spills. Unfortunately, according to environmental protection advocates, the plan involves the use of chemical dispersants that have been proven to do more damage than good to both humans and the environment. Two environmental advocacy groups have joined forces to file a lawsuit […]