
A recent workplace accident at a plastics manufacturing facility claimed the life of one man and injured two others with chemical burns. The accident occurred on a production line that produces a polymer, and the polymer spilled onto three workers who were performing maintenance on a pump. The accident is described by the facility owners as a rare tragedy, but it does serve as a reminder that plastics manufacturing workplaces, as is the case with all manufacturing workplaces, do contain dangers that can hurt or kill employees.

Plastics manufacturing workers encounter a higher than average level of danger in their work environments as compared to other manufacturing employees who work in facilities that produce things other than plastics. The work in a plastics manufacturing plant involves heavy lifting, heavy machinery, sharp tools, and hazardous chemicals. Workers can get caught in machinery and partially or wholly crushed; they can suffer amputated digits or limbs. Repetitive motions in the manufacturing process can cause employees to develop repetitive motion injuries like strains and carpal tunnel syndrome. Chemical burns and lacerations are also relatively common injuries in plastics manufacturing environments. Plastics molds are heavy, and moving them about the plant takes lots of effort and equipment. Accidents sometimes occur when molds and machinery are being moved, or when machines and molds are old or poorly maintained.

Plastics manufacturing facilities contain plenty of dangers that are common in other workplaces as well. Equipment, cords, and other items on the manufacturing floor can create tripping hazards, and oil, grease, and plastic pellets can make floors slick or treacherous and create slip hazards. The chemicals that are used to make plastics and the chemicals that are used to clean and maintain the equipment are hazardous, and can burn employees, cause respiratory injuries, and even kill employees if they are close enough to them or come into contact with them in large enough quantities.

Barrett Law PLLC:  Helping Manufacturing Accident Victims Across Mississippi  

Sometimes, workers in manufacturing facilities get hurt at work. A workplace injury or fatality at a plastics manufacturing plant can drastically alter the course of the life of a worker or their family. As you work to recover from your injury so that you can return to your job or a family mourns the loss of a loved one, life does not stand still. There are household bills and medical bills to pay, and the worker’s compensation claims process can seem daunting and complicated. Fortunately, workplace accident attorneys are skilled at guiding injured workers or families who have lost a loved one in a workplace accident through the worker’s compensation claims process. You do not need to try to pursue a worker’s compensation claim on your own. The Mississippi Workplace Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC are here to help you navigate the worker’s compensation claims process while you concentrate on recovering from your injury or your loss. Please call us today, at 1 (800) 707-9577 to schedule a consultation.

A recent accident at a landfill in Shreveport has claimed the life of one man. The man got trapped inside the cab of his dump truck when another dump truck, which was dumping at the same time, tipped over onto his truck and crushed the cab. This tragic workplace accident required immense effort from rescuers, with over twenty firefighters spending two and a half hours working to get him out of his truck as emergency medical personnel provided what care they could to him while he was still trapped inside of it. The accident, which is being investigated by OSHA, serves as a somber reminder that those who operate dump trucks as part of their work face similar dangers every day.

It is not easy to forget that you could become trapped inside of your truck. After all, dump trucks are bigger than many other vehicles, and they are built to withstand the rigors of heavy work. However, the strength and size of dump trucks can work against their operators or others who are working near them if an accident occurs. In the aforementioned situation, one massive truck toppled onto another. Other dump truck operators have gotten killed when loads from other trucks were dumped on top of them, and there are many other ways in which dump trucks and the loads that they carry can cause injuries and deaths in the workplace.

For example, dump trucks that are working at construction sites pose a risk to site workers, who could be run over or dumped on if they or the dump truck operator are not careful as they go about their work. Dump trucks must often travel on roads and highways, so there is always the risk of a motor vehicle accident during a dump truck operator’s work day. Operators can be injured or killed in accidents on roadways, in the same ways that drivers and passengers in other types of vehicles can. The places where dump trucks work are as varied as the workers who drive the trucks. Job sites include landfills, construction sites, quarries, fields, farms, forests, waterways, and many other types of places. Each type of job site poses its unique risks to dump truck drivers and other site workers.

Barrett Law PLLC:  Support for Mississippi Workplace Accident Victims

When a dump truck accident occurs in the workplace, there may be multiple parties involved besides the injured worker and his or her employer. For example, a trucking company may be party to the accident even if the worker is not the dump truck operator. Likewise, dump truck operators sometimes get hurt or killed at job sites that are not owned by their trucking company, which can occur in situations like the aforementioned landfill accident. If you got injured or lost a family member in a workplace dump truck accident, Mississippi Trucking Accident Attorneys could help you pursue a claim for damages so that you can focus on healing from your injury or our family’s loss. To learn more, call the Mississippi Trucking Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC at 1 (800) 707-9577 to schedule an initial consultation.

Each year, over 4,500 American workers are killed on the job, while millions more sustain serious but non-fatal injuries.  Over 3.3 million employees suffer a workplace injury that will lead to permanent disability, pain, or other lasting effects.  Most workplace accidents are entirely preventable and occur as a result of an employer’s failure to maintain a safe work environment.

The following is a look at some of the most common types of workplace injuries in Mississippi and across the nation.  This list is intended to help employees stay safe and assist employers in identifying common areas of concern.

  • Slipping/Tripping Accidents: Slip, trip, and fall accidents are the number two cause of workplace injuries. These accidents occur when employees slip on wet or slick surfaces or trip over objects on the floor.  Employers have a duty to maintain a reasonably safe work environment in Mississippi, which includes keeping the work area free of known slipping and tripping hazards.
  • Overexertion Injuries: Overexertion injuries generally occur as a result of lifting, holding, carrying, pulling, throwing, or pushing activities at work.  These injuries are extremely common and the most expensive of all workplace accidents.  Overexertion injuries account for $3.4 million in benefit costs each year.
  • Falling from Heights: Falls that occur from heights include falls from ladders, roofs, stairways, and any other elevated surface.  Falling from heights accidents can be caused by slipping, tripping, or faulty equipment, to name a few possibilities.  Employers can reduce the risk of such accidents by ensuring employees use proper personal protection gear, training all employees thoroughly, and supervising employees with vigilance.
  • Reaction Injuries: Reaction injuries occur when an employee slips or trips but does not fall.  These injuries can cause body trauma, muscle damage, and other medical issues.  They are hard for an employer to prevent.
  • Falling Object Injuries: Objects that fall from roofs, ladders, shelves, or other elevated surfaces can cause serious injuries.  Head injuries most often stem from falling objects.  The use of proper personal protective gear, such as a hard hat, can greatly decrease the chance of serious employee head injuries.
  • Vehicle Accidents: Employees who drive as a part of their job can be involved in car or truck accidents.  Depending on the nature of the crash, serious or even fatal injuries can be inflicted.  Employers can diminish the chance of accidents by educating employees on safe driving practices and providing adequate training.
  • Machine Entanglement Injuries: Particularly in factories, employees can become trapped in machinery if their clothing, hair, fingers, shoes, feet, or any other object is entangled. The use of proper protective guards on machines and other safety equipment can diminish the risk of these serious injuries.
  • Repetitive Motion Injuries: Repetitive motion injuries develop slowly over time as a result of an employee repeating certain motions.  Carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, strained muscles, and vision problems are all examples of repetitive motion injuries.

Barrett Law PLLC: Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Attorneys of Excellence 

The Mississippi Workplace Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC have assisted injured workers across the state for over 75 years.  Our veteran team of workers’ compensation attorneys will fight to see that you receive compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, ongoing disability, and more in the event you are injured in the course and scope of employment.  For over 75 years, were have helped injured workers navigate the complex workers’ compensation maze towards a full recovery.  If you have questions about your workers’ compensation rights following an accident or need assistance with your workplace accident case, call Barrett Law PLLC today at 1 (800) 707-9577 to schedule your free consultation.