
In our lives we have many things that are expected of us whether they are responsibilities pertaining to our employment, duties that are required of us as parents, or things that we have to rely on ourselves to do for ourselves. Ultimately, we are kept going from the time in which we wake up until our tasks are finally complete at the end of the day. Unfortunately, this gives us very little leeway to actually sit back, relax, and enjoy the day and the opportunities that we have at our disposal.

Touchdown, or Penalty?

However, there is one thing that many Americans enjoy doing, especially in Mississippi, which is that of watching and supporting collegiate and professional football teams. Football is a sport that ties many individuals together whether they attended that same school as another person, or has the same burning passion and love of a team. In other words, this also means that individuals can be seen driving to various cities, and locations to support those individuals that they call “their team”. While these individuals are dedicated to the love of the game, and the ambiance associated with it many times they are putting individuals at danger while on the road.

When participating in these type of sporting events fans can usually be seen consuming alcohol, which means that they will more than likely attempt to drive while intoxicated. Another dangerous factor that fans bring to the road is that of road rage. In some cases, the excitement and passion of the game leaves the stadium, or television, and travels to the road where individuals can be seen tailgating, speeding excessively, ignoring traffic signs and safety, and ultimately put other drivers at risk and into harm’s way. In some cases it can be seen that these drivers have ultimately contributed to property damage, as well as automobile accidents that have resulted in severe injuries, and even death.

While the majority of time most people consider the behavior of some sports fans on the road to simply be that of horse play, or silliness it can actually be very dangerous, and threatening to many on the road.

At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Driving is one part of our lives that can be seen consistently participated in by many individuals every day. In order to get to work, run our children to school, stop by the grocery store for our many needs, or simply on vacation we rely on not only our vehicles, but also the road to get us from one place to the next in our busy, and hectic lives. However, our lives and the road are two aspects that are constantly changing from good to bad in the blink of an eye. One aspect of the road that can certainly cause issues for individuals not only in Mississippi, but other parts of the country is that of weather.

“Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful”, or Is It?

Usually in Mississippi, we can expect high, and humid temperatures year round especially during the Summer time. Yet, one time of the year that certainly causes multiple issues for us as Mississippians constantly is that of fall and winter. Typically, if an individual were to think about these two seasons and the weather that is associated with them we would normally think they would range between cool temperatures to freezing cold. However, in Mississippi, we have become accustomed to cold temperatures in the morning, and it being nearly similar to that of summer weather by noon.

Yet, do not think that you can count on the weather to always behave in this manner. When winter weather finally does hit Mississippi you can expect freezing temperatures, and chilling breezes for weeks. Besides stocking up on your winter apparel now drivers should also consider preparing their vehicles for the winter as well. We can see in many past cases that roads can freeze very easily under temperatures that make the situation just right, especially when freezing rain and snow are involved. Vehicles can easily hydroplane easier than compared to that of just rain, and can even lose traction that is detrimental to a vehicle.

Remember, act now rather than later and make sure your vehicle is up to date with aspects such as an emergency kit, sufficient tires and rotation system, and it would not hurt to also have an emergency blanket in case you get caught in the weather.

At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Every year we face many of the same things whether they are personal, public, or professional. However, one aspect of our year that we not only observe, but also get to enjoy is that of holidays. Holidays give us a chance to not only reflect on the actual purpose and meaning of the day, but also gives us the opportunity to do so in fellowship. When we observe a holiday it brings about certain traditions that enable us to better participate and acknowledge its meaning, and understanding.

Trick or Treat?

One holiday soon to come is that of Halloween, which will be upon us within the next few weeks. Halloween is that time of year that the pumpkins are out, the Fall air is finally here, and sweet treats are all around. Halloween is also the infamous time of year that children, and adolescents alike have the opportunity to dress up in a costume and go door-to-door and trick-or-treat. While this is a fun, and magical time for many what can actually occur during Halloween on the road?

What You Should Be Aware of This Halloween

There are two main aspects that drivers need to be concerned with during Halloween on the road. The first is that of pedestrian safety. As previously stated, Halloween is a holiday that many children dress up and walk around and collect candy from homes. One can easily assume that this means that children will be very, very close to roads, especially that within residential areas. When you are driving this Halloween make sure that you follow speed limits with care, and watch the sidewalks and the road very cautiously since children will be going back and forth all around.

Another aspect of Halloween and the roads is that of the presence of DUI crimes. Many times, adults celebrate Halloween in their own special way and either go out to a bar, or a party and enjoy the opportunity to act like kids, dress up, and have let off some steam. However, this usually means that alcohol will not only be present, but also consumed. Make sure this Halloween when consuming alcohol that you have a designated driver in order to not only keep yourself self, but also other motorists alike, and especially that of pedestrians.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Transportation is a common aspect of life for everyone no matter what his or her location in the world is. Today, many individuals are relying, and putting their trust in automobiles to help get this job done, especially in order to keep up with our daily, and hectically busy lives. While some would rather operate a car, or a SUV others turn to motorcycles. Many individuals purchase and operate motorcycles for different reasons, which range from fuel efficiency, style, to that of just personal preference and convenience.

Evaluating Motorcycles

While motorcycles certainly can keep their own in many categories of the road, can they also do so when it comes down to safety? Today, motorcycle accidents not only occur all over the United States, but also occur every single day. Unfortunately, many motorcycle accidents end with the vehicle operator receiving fatal injuries, or are killed due to either the impact, or as a result of their total amount of injuries. Many results of a motorcycle accident also depend on whether or not an individual was wearing a helmet or not, which can help reduce some trauma to their head, and neck.

Cause, and Effect of Motorcycle-Automobile Accidents

Yet, when it comes down to a motorcycle involved in an accident with another automobile that is either a car, SUV, or truck what can you expect? Recently, a three-vehicle accident occurred on highway 49 that involved two automobiles, and a motorcycle. The accident resulted from the front vehicle slowing down in order to allow another vehicle to pass into their lane. However, by doing so the vehicle behind them, who was not properly paying attention, collided with the vehicle, which then caused the motorcyclist behind the vehicles to collide as a result of not being able to properly slow down. As a result, the motorcyclist received fatal injuries and was airlifted to a medical center for evaluation, and care.

Today, the motorcyclist is still alive and recovering from his injuries, which is certainly a blessing in itself. Unfortunately, the majority of motorcycle-automobile accidents do not end with just injuries for motorcyclists, who are usually killed as a result. Make sure to always practice proper safety techniques, and follow the law and rules of the road in order to not only increase your safety, but other drivers as well.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

In our lives we are constantly growing and moving from one aspect of our life to the next. However, throughout our lives we are given new tasks, new responsibilities, and new ideas to consider, work through, deal with, and ultimately understand at the end of the day. Yet, when it comes down to the age group of teenagers they are constantly trying to readjust and are making a huge transition from being that of a child in the past to now having responsibilities and transitioning to adult hood. Driving is one aspect of life many teenagers participate in everyday, but do they actually understand what it takes to be a safe driver?

Teenagers Behind The Wheel

Teenagers have been, and probably will continue to be the age group that most automobile accidents occur within. Many teenagers have the mindset that they can do anything, which they most certainly can. However, they do not truly understand the consequences that result from having an “anything goes” mentality. Today, many teenagers get behind the wheel and are driving distractedly from one place to the next, and the next. Whether they are texting, or talking on their cellphones, playing with their mp3 players or CDs, or simply not focused on the road they are constantly putting not only themselves at risk of being in an automobile accident, but also every other individual around them whether they are fellow motorists, or pedestrians.

Teaching Teens The Right, And The Wrong Way

Another issue of teenagers on the road is the fact that many of them do not know how to actually drive. While teenagers are the ones are now some of the most technologically advanced groups of our day and age they still are not grasping the responsibilities and commitment that is necessary when driving. Many teenagers today do not go the speed limit, fail to signal properly, ignore traffic signs and signals, and seem to just not care.

When you have a teenage driver within your household, or family it is extremely important that you explain driving from both perspectives that of a safe one, and a reckless one. Make sure that your teenager understands what can occur from each one, and how it could impact their life now, and later down the road as well.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Today, driving is an average portion of our lives in which we participate doing almost every single day. When we get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle we are commuting from our home to the office, running errands, or maybe just enjoying the day with a ride around town. Yet, accidents and mistakes are an average part of our lives today whether we can predict their occurrence or not, especially when they occur on roads involving automobiles. However, when we are adults we are under the impression that we fully understand how to operate a motor vehicle in multiple aspects, right?

Parenting 101

One aspect of being behind the wheel of a motor vehicle is that of setting a standard, and being a role model. Whether you believe it or not, children are always looking to see what you do, they learn from your behavior. Unfortunately, today, parents and adults are still behind the wheel texting, and using their cellphone. Some of this stems from the economy.  We are fearful of losing our jobs, and therefore we work longer hours and after hours in order to be seen as valuable employees.  Sadly, this also means we text, surf the internet, and take and make calls while behind the wheel. Youth watch us, and they learn that this behavior is acceptable.  We must change our behavior and set a good example in order to teach the next generation safer habits while driving.

Setting An Example At Home, And Behind The Wheel

Recently, State Farm released a study claiming that while teenagers are still the group of individuals more likely to be involved with an accident in some fashion.  However, their parents aren’t far behind.  An overwhelming number of parents are behind the wheel on their cellular device texting, talking, or emailing. What is even worse about it is that when asked, teenagers stated that they used their cellular devices as a result of seeing their parents and other adults do so.

Remember to discuss roadway and motor vehicle safety with your children. It could not only help prevent an accident from taking place, but it could also save lives.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

As we come to a new day we have grown another day older. Eventually, as days become weeks and weeks become months and finally years we gain another year of experiences, emotions, and understanding. Aging is a factor of our lives that we have to come to terms with one way or another whether we would like to believe it or not. However, age brings more than that of just understanding, and patience it also brings that of delayed responses, as well as some mental, and physical health issues. Yet, should senior citizens be allowed to hold a valid driver’s license?

Understanding Elderly Drivers

As long as many of us can remember we have always heard of elderly individuals getting out on the road while driving a motor vehicle and not being able to properly maneuver it, or pay attention to traffic, and the safety of other motorists. Today, many elderly individuals are not the safety conscious responsible drivers they once were. Rather, they are contributing to many automobile accidents. At the end of the day elderly, or not these individuals still help, and love us, and ultimately need our help.

Helping Your Elderly Loved Ones Now and Later

When it comes down to your elderly loved one driving a motor vehicle what should you do? While some elderly individuals can drive the same as the always have, or the majority of the time better others cannot. Sometimes with elderly individuals being presented with the issue or their driving not being the safest, or what it once was immediately go into denial and ignore the conversation and the truth altogether. Yet, it is your job to help make elderly individuals understand the risk they run physically with their lives, as well as financially by the situations they put themselves in to being involved in an accident, and sued heavily for damages they caused.

Discuss with your elderly loved ones alternative methods of transportation that do not require them behind the wheel of an automobile, and ultimately surround them with safety. However, if your elderly loved one has been involved in an automobile accident, they need an experienced and an ultimately dedicated automobile accident attorney immediately in order to fight for your rights, and their case.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Once again it is that time of the year again. The Summer sun has now finally turned to the leaves of Fall and cooler temperatures are once again upon us. However, Fall can only mean another thing for students the end of days by the pool and the return to the classroom. School is just one of those things in life that we all have to deal with whether from the perspective of the student, or that of the parent. Yet, when it comes down to public transportation methods for students, such as school buses, are you and your child both update with safety tips you should know, and live by?

Understanding School Buses Inside And Out

School buses have always been known as the “big yellow cheese”, whether we rode them as children, or adults. Today, school buses now have the possibility of being updated greatly with safety belts, tinted windows for students, and even air conditioning units. However, contrary to that of the old days one thing certainly has not changed, which is that of accidents associated with school buses. When a school bus is out on the road performing its purpose of transporting students from one place to another we expect the school bus operator to be 100% safety conscious.

Safety and School Buses Go Hand In Hand

Unfortunately, that is not always the case. In order to make sure you, and your child are safe from school bus related accidents here are a few things you should know pertaining to that of school bus safety.

  • When a bus has stopped, and either has flashing lights, or a stop sign make sure to stop behind the bus and be patient. Students are exiting it.
  • Always be alert of school buses on the road and make sure that the driver can actually see you, and you understand the size of a school bus.
  • Remember when you see a school bus in residential areas to always go the school speed limit allotted in the zone in order to help keep everyone safe.

Remember, everyone has ridden a school bus at one point or another in their lives, and understand safety factors of it to some degree. However, when you, or your child are involved in a school bus related accident of any kind whether it was your fault, or not you need an experienced automobile accident attorney by your side every step of the way.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Driving is a common aspect of life, which we must participate in doing almost everyday. In order to fulfill our daily tasks, get to work or school, or simply pick up the kids we not only need, but also fully rely on our motor vehicles to help us accomplish these, and more. However, mistakes and accidents are also a common occurrence within our lives, which sometimes we have very little control over. Yet, when it comes down to you actually out on the roadways whether as a driver, or a passenger what can you do in order to increase the overall safety of all?

The Responsibilities of A Driver

When you are the operator of a motor vehicle you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders whether you realize it or not. You not only have to worry about your safety, but also all others out on the road whether they are fellow motorists, or pedestrians. When playing the role of driver always make sure that before you do anything that your mirrors are properly aligned, and nothing objects your line of sight. Many accidents happen on the road because drivers cannot actually see what is there, or what is not there. When driving on the road always make sure that you signal properly, abide by speed limits, and always make sure to follow the rules of the road for yourself before attempting to do so for other drivers.

 How You Can Help As A Passenger

Although actually driving a vehicle is important it is also very important that passengers of a motor vehicle understand their safety role within a vehicle as well. Passengers should make it a point to emphasize that drivers pay attention to the road, as well making drivers hand over their cellphone device before the car is even put into drive. Passengers also need to make sure that they are out of the line of sight of the driver in order to make sure that the driver can see all aspects of the road accordingly.

Finally, whether you are a driver, or a passenger it is important to wear your seat belt 100% percent of the time. Studies show that seat belts save lives, and can easily help assist your life in the event of an accident. Remember to always abide by the rules of the road in order to help better not only your safety, but all others as well.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

It may seem like a simple matter to assign fault following an automobile accident. After all, one driver exhibited negligence or recklessness which led to a collision, right? Unfortunately, it is rarely so simple as that. There can be a great deal of confusion regarding the issue of who was at fault and the consequences for the responsible driver are extensive therefore even if one driver is aware they were at fault they may try every way possible to wiggle out of accepting responsibility.

A driver who directly caused an accident may be subject to increasing insurance rates or could even find that their insurance is canceled. How the at-fault driver’s insurance company responds to an admission of responsibility can determine whether the claim will be denied or paid. The deductible, cost of repair for both vehicles and the medical expenses are at stake and can be considerable therefore the insurance company has a significant stake in which driver was at fault.

What Does “At Fault” Mean?

While every state creates its own particular definition of “at-fault,” generally speaking it means just what it says—the person most responsible for being the catalyst which led to the collision is considered to be the liable party. Other classifications regarding fault in auto accidents include “no-fault” and “partial fault,” although these definitions vary considerably across state lines. When it is next to impossible to assign blame to one driver or the other, liability may be assigned to both, however usually the person who performed an act which could be considered irresponsible, illegal, reckless or careless will be the at-fault driver.

Consequences of Admitting Fault

The driver who is found to be negligent could be compelled to be responsible for the medical expenses and damages of the other driver as well as property damages. Aside from the hit taken on auto insurance many states also add points to the at-fault person’s driver’s license which could potentially lead to a suspended license. Clearly there are a wide variety of negative consequences for the at-fault driver which is why drivers should never admit fault following an accident.

In fact, following an accident the only thing you should do is ensure that all those involved in the accident receive prompt medical attention and that basic information including names, addresses and insurance information is properly exchanged. If possible, photographs of the accident should be taken and any pertinent information noted. Admitting fault can potentially damage your entire case. Many times outside factors you were unaware of could exist as well. These factors could have played a significant role in the accident and may contribute to the final determination of which driver was most at fault.

Determining Fault

In order to properly determine who was at fault in the accident it is important to evaluate what each driver was supposed to be doing in the specific situation and which driver did not act in an appropriate manner. This will work in situations where someone was clearly at fault such as when one driver runs a stop sign however more complex accidents will require more extensive assessment. The question of whether each person made a legitimate attempt to avoid the accident will contribute to determination of fault as will the police officer’s assessment of the situation. Should the accident require a ticket be issued to one driver, then the determination of fault will likely become much less complicated.  Factors in determining fault can include the speed of both drivers, the weather and road conditions present when the accident occurred, the failure of one party to take note of traffic signals or signs and whether either driver was driving while impaired.   Having an experienced personal injury attorney by your side can assist in determination of fault as well as ensuring you receive proper compensation for your auto collision.