Many people who have suffered a car accident are surprised when they find themselves later on simply unable to shake the depression which seems to have invaded their lives. Accidents can occur at any place and time, and with our increasingly busy roadways the chances you will be involved in an auto accident are higher than you would want to think.

With over 5.5 million car accidents in the United States each year at any given time there are literally thousands of Americans struggling to heal from injuries sustained in an auto accident—some of which are not as apparent as others. Even relatively minor auto accidents can bring about long-term anxiety, fears about driving or riding in a car, and an all-encompassing depression which makes it difficult to get through your day-to-day activities and to enjoy the things you once enjoyed.

How Common is Depression Following an Auto Accident?

It is believed that as many as one third of all people who’ve been involved in a non-fatal auto accident will suffer from persistent anxiety, depression and PTSD a year following the accident. Even when the accident was not considered to be especially serious in the medical sense, there can be moderate to severe psychological complications. Surprisingly, those who suffered the most persistent forms of depression were typically passengers in the auto accident rather than the driver.

Symptoms of Depression

Those who are suffering psychological problems following a car accident can feel a range of emotions, from mild anxiety when riding in a car to a total inability to travel in an automobile. Depression can bring on feelings of hopelessness, a loss of interest in your regular daily activities and an inability to sleep. You may feel agitated, restless and irritable and have a low tolerance level. People who suffer from depression may feel constantly fatigued or physically drained, and can have trouble focusing, making decisions or remembering things.

In its more extreme manifestations, the person who is under the grip of depression may engage in reckless behavior such as substance abuse, compulsive gambling or dangerous sports as a method of escaping from their feelings.  Those who are suffering depression as the result of an auto accident may feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety and dread when passing the site of the accident, riding in the vehicle which was involved in the accident or even traveling on similar road conditions. Depression can affect your work and your relationships and requires professional attention.

Treatment for Depression Brought on By an Auto Accident

If you’ve been suffering from depression for more than a month or so following your accident, it’s time to get help. It’s important to see a therapist who has experience dealing with the trauma which can follow an auto accident. You may be prescribed medications in the form of antidepressant drugs along with regular therapy which can include anxiety management, breathing and relaxation exercises. In some cases more experimental therapy can include light therapy or other forms of alternative therapies. It takes time to heal, and it’s important that you not become discouraged.

Getting the Legal Help You Deserve

While getting medical help is essential following your auto accident, it may be just as important to get legal help. If your accident was due to the negligence of another person, and you find yourself unable to continue your life as it was prior to the accident, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you determine whether you can recover damages for your accident. Your emotional pain and suffering are every bit as important as your physical pain and depression treatment can be long-term and costly. An attorney who is knowledgeable about the effects of depression following an accident can be your best ally when dealing with the aftermath of a car accident.

Call and speak with an experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyer from Barrett Law, PLLC.  Be sure to visit our web blog for more helpful information about your case or call us for a free consultation to answer your important questions.

The attorneys at Barrett Law, PLLC serve people throughout Mississippi including: North Mississippi, Jackson, Hattiesburg, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast.