We have a long history of representing the people of Mississippi who have been injured in car accidents. The most common injury they experience is whiplash, an injury often caused by the neck extending violently, often as the result of a rear-end collision. There is no one tell-tale whiplash symptom, but our clients routinely complain of the sudden onset of neck stiffness, dizziness, neck pain, headaches, decreased range of motion in the neck, numbness, blurred vision, disrupted sleep, and memory problems to name just a few.

Whiplash’s Causes

You have ligament the runs down the surface of your spine that gives your neck stability. Your head weighs about the same amount as a bowling ball. When you are in a car accident, your head violently extends forward or backward, causing that weight’s momentum to stretch or tear that ligament. That stretching or tearing is whiplash. The damage can be compounded if the head’s momentum also pulls against other muscles in the back and neck, spraining or tearing them as well. In extremely serious cases, the whipping of the spine can also result in damage or cracking of vertebrae in the neck and back.

Whiplash Treatment

Most forms of whiplash are treatable. If you follow your doctor’s directions, you should be able to recover from whiplash received in a car accident. Most treatments involve icing, heat, over the counter and prescription pain killers, and exercises aimed at restoring flexibility to your neck ligaments. While a popular prop in television shows, doctors usually urge patients to avoid immobilizing the neck with devices like a foam neck ring are to be avoided. When you completely immobilized the neck, the ligaments can tighten, and flexibility may not be restored.

Usually, by carefully following the advice of a medical professional, your whiplash injury should resolve within a few months. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, however, and other accident victims are forced to live with pain for longer, sometimes even permanently.

Financial Compensation for Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash is a serious injury that, while usually only temporary, can cause pain, discomfort, and work absences. To have a valid claim, you will need to seek medical attention immediately after your car accident. Waiting too long may result in an insurance company denying your claim, alleging that your injuries were caused by some subsequent event.  You can receive compensation for loss of work, out of pocket medical expenses, and any sick time you used as a result of your injury. You may also receive some compensation for your pain and suffering, although that is usually quite limited in a whiplash case. Regardless of how serious your injury and how significant your financial losses, your best bet is to contact an experience Mississippi personal injury lawyer to review your case.

What Should You Do if You or a Loved One is Injured In a Car Accident?

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, either an insurance claim or lawsuit may be your best tool for receiving the compensation you deserve. Receiving that compensation will require consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney.  Getting your whiplash injury assessed competently and quickly is vital, and hiring counsel lacking specific experience with Mississippi‘s laws will lead to frustration and a settlement that is a fraction of what you deserve—if you receive anything at all.

Call Barrett Law now, an experienced Mississippi personal injury law firm, to represent you if you or a loved one has been injured.

Contact us now at (800) 707-9577, to get experienced counsel on your side.