Mississippi apartment personal injury lawsuit lawyers

I sometimes meet clients who failed to attain legal advice regarding a life-altering injury. These folks lost so much due to their injury, yet simple mistakes kept them from being compensated. A simple mistake can mean the loss of your home and financial ruin for your family. I wrote the following blog post to help individuals and families avoid costly mistakes.

If you have been injured, you must find experienced counsel to help you attain your fair share of compensation for your loss of income and injury. Barrett Law has the experience to help you if you have been injured.  Contact us now at (800) 707-9577.

Four Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Personal Injury Claim

Do Not Admit Apologize or Admit Fault—It may seem civilized to apologize for an accident, even when the accident is not your fault. The truth is, it is challenging to know who caused an accident, so any apology is premature. Worse yet, your apology or admission will be used against you by opposing counsel. Instead of admitting fault, ask anyone else involved in the accident if they are alright and only relate the facts as you saw them to law enforcement.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately—It is vital that you seek medical care for your injury immediately upon being injured. First, you want to make sure that you are not injured. Second, even if you feel unhurt, you are likely in shock and are unable to assess yourself accurately. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, even if you feel alright, it is essential to have a physician perform an exam. Many times, serious injuries do not arise until later, and if you wait to seek medical attention until then, there will be no “baseline” of your physical condition. The problem with not having a baseline is that opposing counsel will claim that your injuries arose as a result of an unrelated incident that occurred after the accident in question.

Once you see a physician, follow his or her orders precisely. If you fail to follow your doctor’s instructions, that failure will be used against you as an explanation for your injuries.

Save All Documents and Evidence—Once you are home from your medical examination, begin saving all documents, pictures, and bills related to your injury. Every record will be critical to either proving your injury or calculating the compensation you are due. Another focus should be organization; while it is possible to keep all of these documents in a box, it is not advisable. Instead, digitally scan and save each document into an electronic file. Also keep a paper record in a carefully organized binder with different sections for accident information, injury details, insurance company correspondence, and bills.

Keep Off Social Media—People love to post their trials and tribulations on social media. While fun, these posts can ruin your case. You may feel better after weeks of pain. If you post, “finally, I feel like my old self again!” An opposing attorney will argue that you are not due for any medical treatment or pain and suffering after that post. That may be the case even if your pain lingers for another year or two.

What Should You Do If You or a Loved One Has Been Injured?

If you or a loved one was injured, you might have a viable claim for compensation for your injuries, loss of work, and other harm. Let experienced counsel take care of preserving medical records, attaining expert diagnoses, and dealing with your opposing attorneys. These are essential tasks that a personal injury attorney can handle for you while you concentrate on healing.

Call Barrett Law now, an experienced Mississippi personal injury law firm, to represent you if you have suffered an injury. Contact us now at (800) 707-9577.