Summer is rapidly approaching which means more vehicles on Mississippi roadways traveling more total miles.  We will probably see an increase in the number of auto accidents on our roadways because of the increase in drivers on vacation excursions.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data reveals that there is an average of 41,000 deaths on the nation’s highways due to auto accidents.  A lot of these accidents can take place in the summer around the holidays like Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day.  Most of these accidents are totally avoidable.

There are some things that you can do to be pro-active about avoiding auto accidents in Lexington, Jackson, Memphis or elsewhere throughout Mississippi:

  • You should get regular maintenance checks done on your car.  Parts including brake pads wear out.
  • Drivers should always pay attention to the whole roadway and other vehicles rather than simply looking at the car immediately in front of the driver.
  • Safe driving requires making adjustments for changing weather conditions.  If it starts raining, you should slow down. Oil that has accumulated on the road can make the road extremely slippery in wet conditions.
  • Travelers should plan their trip so that they know where you are going and are not trying to study a map or directions.
  • A driver should use his or her flashers and slow down if the driver gets in trouble.
  • Drivers should always remain positive and focused on their driving.  It is never a good idea to become embroiled in a conflict with someone that is expressing road rage because it is both dangerous and unproductive.

Here are some don’ts when it comes to driving safely so that you avoid serious auto accidents on Mississippi roadways:

  • You should NEVER drink and drive.
  • A driver should never speed even though other drivers are exceeding the speed limit. You should simply let other drivers go around you.
  • Many serious auto accidents in Mississippi are caused by not permitting enough following distance.  Tailgating is never a safe practice.  Drivers should always try to maintain at least one car length of distance between themselves and others on the road.
  • You should turn you cell phone off.  Distracted driving is very dangerous so wait until you stop or pull over to the side of the road to talk or text.
  • Safe driving means avoiding erratic driving.  When making maneuvers like changing lanes take your time and look carefully so that you do not cut off other drivers.
  • All drivers should abstain from driving if they are tired or have been taking medications.  Drivers who fall asleep behind the wheel are one of the major causes of auto accidents in Lexington, Jackson, Memphis and throughout Mississippi.
  • You should slow down and pay especially careful attention near intersections.  It is a safe driving practice to look both ways even if you have a green traffic light because you cannot assume that other drivers will avoid negligence and stop.

Any driver even one who exercises extreme vigilance and caution can still be involved in a serious Mississippi auto accident.  An auto accident is a stressful and dangerous incident even in the best situation and can frequently result in catastrophic injuries and permanent disability.  An accident as minor as a fender-bender can land you in the emergency room with serious injuries.

It is important that if you are involved in a auto accident on Mississippi roadways that you know your rights.  Auto insurance companies often deny valid auto accident injury claims or offer ludicrously inadequate auto accident injury settlements.  These grossly inadequate settlements may not be sufficient to even cover your medical bills let alone the total value of your damages.  Our Mississippi auto accident attorneys help clients just like you obtain the settlement or judgment that they deserve. We provide relief from the headaches of dealing with insurance companies so that our clients can focus on their recovery and their family.  The Mississippi personal injury attorneys here at the Barrett Law Office in Mississippi can help. Please contact us today for your free no obligation consultation. We will answer your questions and help you during this stressful time.

If you are involved in a serious car accident in Mississippi, it can be an emotional and stress filled time.  Many Mississippi car accident victims suffer severe injuries that result in extended time off work as well as permanent disability or disfigurement.  An auto accident victim may also be coping with significant pain and suffering.  The silver lining is that you expect to be compensated for your car crash-related injuries.  However, the insurance company for the other driver may claim that the accident was entirely or partially your fault despite your suffering severe injuries and struggling financially because you cannot work.  The insurance company of the other driver may claim that you are not entitled to recover because your own negligent (i.e. careless or unsafe) conduct caused the accident.  This unfortunate scenario can and does happen more than most people realize.

When a Mississippi car crash occurs, the first place that the insurance company for the other driver will look to determine fault is the accident report prepared by law enforcement.  If the car accident report identifies you as the driver who was at-fault in the accident, you need to seek legal advice immediately.  Police officers are not infallible in their analysis of an accident scene.  An experienced Mississippi car accident lawyer will carefully examine the facts and circumstances of the accident and form an independent opinion regarding who caused your car crash.  It may be the case that the officer missed certain facts or details that would make the other driver at-fault or that there are third parties whose liability also contributed to you motor vehicle collision.

Even if you are partially at-fault for a Mississippi car accident, this does not necessarily preclude you recovering for your injuries.  Mississippi is a comparative fault state, which means that your recovery is reduced but not eliminated by your degree of fault.  Even if you are 90 percent at fault in causing your Mississippi car crash, you may still recover damages, but the amount of your recovery would be reduced by your percentage of fault.  For example, a jury might determine that your damages were a hundred thousand dollars.  If you were determined to be 90 percent at fault with the other driver being 10 percent at fault your recovery would be $10,000.

Many Mississippi car accident victims make the mistake of never getting legal advice from an experienced personal injury attorney.  These auto accident victims presume that the police report is accurate in assigning blame for the accident.  Even worse, some car accident victims believe the other driver’s insurance company when it claims that the accident victim is at-fault for his or her own injuries.  Determining fault in an accident can be a tricky and complicated process.  The facts of a particular car accident are frequently open to multiple interpretations.  The insurance company for the other driver will always interpret those facts in the way most beneficial to its insured.  The entire goal of the other driver’s insurance company is to minimize or avoid liability for the claim.

If you are involved in a Mississippi car accident, it is imperative that you seek independent legal advice from an experienced Mississippi auto accident lawyer.  The car accident lawyer will analyze all of the facts and evidence surrounding your car accident and advise you regarding your rights to recover for your injuries and other loss.  Our law firm represents car accident victims throughout Mississippi.  If you have been injured in a serious car accident, we offer a free honest assessment of your car accident claim.  We offer a free no obligation consultation so call us today.

Drivers making erratic lane changes in Mississippi can cause car accidents resulting in property damages, catastrophic injuries and wrongful death.  When a driver changes lanes on the roadway, it is his duty to ensure that the other lane is clear and safe. Turning on the turn signal in a vehicle is the first step in making a lane change. A driver should also double check for traffic by not only using their mirrors but by glancing around over his or her shoulder.

There are a few other steps that drivers can take when making a lane change:

  • Taking only one lane at a time is safer than skirting across two or three at a time.
  • Changing lanes only where it is legal, usually where the lines are dashed, will help to avoid car accidents.
  • Making sure that you are not cutting off another driver and leaving him or her enough room.
  • Changing lanes where there is straight road and no changing traffic patterns occurring will help prevent auto accidents.

These all seem like simple rules to follow, but it is surprising how many drivers ignore these basic guideline on a regular basis.  These accidents are often considered minor in nature compared to some other vehicle to vehicle collisions, but the injuries that a person may suffer might not be so minor.  Some of these Mississippi motor vehicle accidents also result in run off the road accidents, rollover accidents and other serious auto collisions that may cause catastrophic injuries like traumatic brain injury, spinal cord damage, fractures or broken bones, internal organ injuries or even wrongful death.

Insurance companies want to see medical reports documenting injuries when a person makes a claim against the insurance provider’s insured for negligent driving.  The insurance company will want to settle quickly for far less than the value of the claim.  Medical records should include diagnostic scans including CT Scan, MRI and X-Rays.  Even if you feel that your injuries are minor, it is critical to obtain immediate medical care because sometimes serious conditions are not immediately obvious.

Settling with the insurance company quickly is never the best approach.  If you have any injuries at all, no matter how slight they may seem, it is in your best interest to talk with an experienced Mississippi personal injury attorney.  The insurance company wants to settle the case before you have determined the seriousness of your injuries and legal advice revealing the actual value of your Mississippi auto accident claim.  They can talk with you about your case and decide whether the other driver was in fact negligent by making an unsafe lane change.

If you are involved in a serious Mississippi car accident with a driver who makes an unsafe lane change, you may seek legal compensation for your injuries.  Our experienced Mississippi car accident attorneys can help you seek legal compensation including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering and other appropriate compensation.

At Barrett Law, PLLC, our Mississippi car accident lawyers have been representing residents in Lexington and throughout Mississippi in serious motor vehicle accidents for over 75 years.  We offer a free initial case evaluation so that we can assess your case and advise you of your rights so contact us today at (662) 834-2376.