If you have been seriously injured in a car accident in Mississippi, you likely have conducted some research online in order to find an attorney to assist you.  Although sustaining injuries in a car accident is difficult enough, sometimes finding the right Mississippi auto accident attorney can become a rather formidable task.   In the Yellow Pages and on numerous law firm websites, many attorneys promise to deliver a multitude of results however, there is no way to tell whether they are being honest about their level of experience or not.  Additionally, many personal injury attorneys often state that they are “experienced” or “highly skilled” however, they have in fact only handled relatively few auto accident cases.

Overall, there are several important qualifications that an attorney should possess when representing clients in personal injury matters.  The following are some useful tips that you should consider when hiring a Mississippi auto accident lawyer:

  1. Hire an attorney who has significant experience in personal injury representation.  Only a qualified personal injury attorney has the skills necessary to handle your case, regardless of how challenging or complex.   To illustrate, an experienced attorney is in the best position to maximize your chances of recovering since they are familiar with the laws, the local courts and the judges.
  2. Ask family and friends whether they can recommend a qualified personal injury attorney.  Oftentimes, the best attorneys are those that build their businesses and their reputations by word of mouth.
  3. Only work with an attorney who will take the time necessary to explain everything about your case in a clear and concise manner.  It is never recommended that a person hire an attorney who cannot explain things in layman’s terms.  Essentially, the failure to understand various aspects of your case may affect your ability to make informed decisions throughout the pendency of your lawsuit.
  4. Do not hire an attorney who is not forthcoming about his or her fees. When working with an attorney, you should always be familiar with all of the court costs and associated expenses of your case.
  5. Do not work with an attorney that makes you feel uncomfortable or who seems impatient.  In other words, it is important to hire an attorney that is compassionate, patient, and aggressive – only when necessary. Sometimes, overzealous attorneys are just as ineffective as inexperienced ones.  Moreover, do not hire an attorney that fails to listen to you or to respect your decisions.  In other words, you, not your attorney, must make all of the final decisions in your case.

For more information, contact our Mississippi law firm to find out more about how we can help you.  We will take the time necessary to advise you of your legal options and help you make informed decisions about your case.  We look forward to providing you with superior legal representation.