Although many people are aware of the dramatic rise in the abuse of prescription drugs, the increased danger of severe car accidents linked to this abuse is less well known.  Many prescription drugs that are abused are taken for the same reasons as recreational drugs. This means that they are often sought out for their impact on one’s mental state so those who abuse these drugs are fully what aware of the danger of driving while under their effects.  Many prescription drugs with side effects that make it unsafe to drive carry warnings, which expressly indicate it is not safe to operate heavy machinery while under the influence of the medication.  Unfortunately, some drivers choose to ignore these warnings which often results in serious Mississippi car accidents that can cause life altering injuries.

There are a wide variety of types of prescription medications that may be involved in drugged driving accidents in Mississippi including pain killers, sleeping pills, anti-anxiety medications and muscle relaxants.  These drugs may include Xanax, Ambien, Flexeril, Percocet, Norcos, Vicodin and similar medications.  They may contribute to serious Mississippi drugged driver car accidents because of a number of adverse effects on driving ability, including but not limited to the following:

  • Impaired driver judgment
  • Distorted perception
  • Drowsiness
  • Diminished coordination
  • Slow reflexes

While these are only a few of the ways that prescription medications can adversely impact driving ability, the current epidemic of abuse and misuse of prescription drugs poses a serious danger to everyone who travels the roadways of Mississippi.  Drivers who disregard warning labels on prescription drug bottles may be determined to be at fault even if they are lawfully taking the medication. Our experienced Mississippi drugged accident attorneys carefully investigate car accident cases where drugged driving may be involved. A driver who is using a prescription drug illegally may be considered to be engaged in reckless conduct, particularly if they are speeding or otherwise consciously engaging in extremely unsafe driving practices.  If a drugged driver is impaired because of illegal use of a prescription drug plan that causes a serious car accident, you or your loved one may be entitled to punitive damages to punish particularly egregious conduct.  Our Mississippi drugged driving attorneys typically examine police reports, toxicology analysis, and medical records to develop evidence of drugged driving.

The experienced Mississippi drugged driving lawyers at Barrett law are committed to holding wrongdoers accountable and compensating victims.  Our experienced Mississippi drugged driving accident attorneys offer a free consultation so that we can evaluate your accident claim and explain your rights and remedies.  At the Barrett Law Offices PLLC, our experienced Mississippi drugged driving lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.