One of the first things many new clients want to know when they enter our office is the value of their case.  There are a number of factors that impact the value of a case, which in turn affects the final amount you will end up receiving to compensate you for the injuries and damages stemming from your truck accident.  Overall, it is important to realize that it can be difficult to assign a value to a case.  Each case’s settlement value is determined as a prediction of what the jury would decide the case is worth.  However, different juries often arrive at different verdicts, even when the circumstances are the same.

The following is a look at several factors that will determine the value of your 18-wheeler or semi-truck accident case.  A truck accident attorney in your area will be able to review the exact facts of your case and provide you with a monetary estimation which he or she believes to be an accurate representation of your case’s value.

  1. The Type of Accident:  Certain personal injury cases are likely to be worth more due to the extent of the injuries often involved, the facts associated, and the defendants likely to be included.  18-wheeler and semi-truck accidents are known to have some of the highest values because they so often involve serious injuries, driver negligence, multiple defendants, and significant insurance funds available.
  2. The Location of the Accident:  The state in which the accident occurs and even the county within the state can impact your recovery.  Different states set varying laws concerning recovery limits, and each area will have slightly differing attitudes towards personal injury actions.
  3. Your Injuries:  Perhaps the most significant factor in determining the value of your case will be the extent of your injuries.  Serious injuries that require time off work, medical treatment, and a long term recovery will entitle the victim to more compensation than minor injuries that are easily resolved without much impact on the victim’s work or daily living.
  4. The Available Insurance:  Your case’s settlement potential will be impacted by the amount of insurance available.  Truck accident victims often benefit from this because truckers and trucking companies are typically required to carry high premiums due to the potential for serious injury involved in the commercial trucking industry.
  5. Economic Damages:  Related to your injuries, the value of your case will be determined greatly by the extent of the damages you incurred.  These damages will often include medical bills, lost wages, rehabilitation costs, and more.
  6. Pain and Suffering:  Truck accident cases can include large pain and suffering awards.  The extent to which your pain and suffering stemming from the accident impacts your life will include your ultimate recovery.
  7. Your Attorney:  An experienced, knowledgeable attorney will make a significant difference in the ultimate success of your case and hence its value, as an attorney well versed in truck accident law will uncover your strongest evidence, pursue all avenues of recovery, and mount the strongest possible case.

Barrett Law PLLC: Experienced Truck Accident Attorneys   

            The Mississippi Truck Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC have devoted years of practice to representing the victims of 18-wheeler and semi-truck accidents across the state, helping our clients to obtain a full recovery for their injuries stemming from the accident.  We will evaluate your case and provide you with an accurate idea of what you may receive in the event of a settlement or trial.  We vow to always fight for your full recovery, as we never wish to see our clients experience the hardships of unpaid medical bills or uncompensated long term disability.  The attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC have the dedication, knowledge, and experience you need to obtain the strongest truck accident recovery possible.  Call Barrett Law PLLC today at 1 (800) 707-9577 to schedule your free consultation.