In our lives there are many variables, and aspects of life that are simply out of our hands entirely. Each and every day we are unable to predict what our day has in store for us, which can either go one way, or another in an instant. When we are on the road we usually have many things going on in our minds and having an accident is usually not one of them. However, all of these variables, or negative aspects can occur in a matter of seconds and impact the rest of our lives.

Fearing The Deer

One unexpected variable that many Mississippi drivers can come to terms with in an instant is that of deer on the road. It shouldn’t come as a shock to any Mississippi driver that deer on the road contribute to many severe auto accidents each and every year, especially during the Fall and Winter. Many times, drivers can be paying attention to the road greatly and all of a sudden of a deer run out in front of their vehicle on the road, which can not only cause severe damage to your vehicle, but also could result in your receiving injuries as well.

Being Defensive Against The Deer

Yet, how can you be defensive and help prevent some deer related accidents? First and foremost you should always drive the speed limit, especially around the hours of dawn and dusk. These are prime times of the day that deer are out, and about on the road. Make sure that when you see a deer to always assume that other deer are with it since they usually travel in groups. When you do come face to face with a deer in the road make sure that you do not swerve. Instead, firmly plant your foot on the break and come to a slow, and safe speed and pull over to the side of the road in order to avoid being hit by other drivers, and also allowing the deer to cross the road.

Remember, accidents are a common part of life whether we can somewhat expect them or not. However, some can be easily preventable, especially with the proper awareness. Make sure this Fall, and Winter that you keep your eyes on the road, and the true dangers that deer can put you and your loved ones in.

At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.