Taking a stand against improper business practices is tough enough, but some whistleblowers face the added challenge of speaking out against businesses that involve both business and family relationships. One whistleblower was brave enough to speak out against a company whose wrongdoing could place patients’ health at risk because its work involves blood testing. He reported what he had seen while working for the enterprise despite the fact that his grandfather, with whom he had always had a close relationship, holds an important position within the firm.

Tyler Schultz did not have to work at Theranos for very long before he noticed workplace practices that raised serious concerns about the accuracy of blood test results that were being produced by the company’s testing devices. Schultz had only been working at the firm for eight months when he felt that his concerns were grave enough to speak to the company’s founder about what he had seen. Not only were his concerns dismissed, but the response that he received was insulting, belittling, and threatening.

Schultz did not let that response or his connection to his grandfather prevent him in pressing forward to continue exposing his concerns about the accuracy of the company’s blood testing equipment. After all, he was one of several employees who shared those concerns and who had tried to address the issues within the enterprise, only to have their efforts dismissed and rebuffed by company leaders. Tyler Schultz wanted to protect patient health by contacting New York State’s public health lab to tell them about his concerns, and he also wanted to protect his grandfather’s reputation.

In addition to making the regulatory complaint, Schultz began speaking to a Journal reporter as a confidential source. Attorneys from the company have accused him of leaking trade secrets and have threatened to take legal action against him. Schultz maintains his stance against the company’s business practices, and he is cooperating with a federal investigation of Theranos. The company is being investigated both civilly and criminally by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. attorney’s office in San Francisco.

Tyler Schultz and his parents have had to invest a considerable amount of time, energy, and money to ensure that the inaccuracy of the blood testing equipment manufactured by Theranos was noted and investigated by authorities. Whistleblowers often face an uphill battle as they fight to do the right thing. Fortunately, they do not have to fight alone. Whistleblower attorneys understand the difficulties that are inherent in the process of exposing corporate wrongdoing. The Mississippi Whistleblower Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC are here to help you navigate the whistleblower claims process. We can help you pursue recovery from the various types of damages that you have experienced throughout your journey as a whistleblower.  If you have questions or concerns regarding your experience as a whistleblower, please call the Mississippi Whistleblower Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC today at 1 (601) 790-1505 to arrange a free, initial consultation.