All motor vehicle accidents involve some common legal issues and potential problems, but the unique nature of motorcycles means that riders who are involved in a collision often must overcome special challenges.  When an injury victim is interviewing a motorcycle accident lawyer, they can improve the probability of a favorable outcome by retaining a lawyer who has extensive experience handling motorcycle accident lawsuits.  In short, vehicle collision claims are not all created equal.  This blog post provides an overview of the unique factors that contribute to motorcycle crashes.

The most obvious risk involving motorcycles relates to their unique physical characteristics.  Motorcycles are lighter and smaller than passenger cars, and they only have two wheels.  Motorcycles also do not have an enclosure that protects the rider within a passenger compartment and that is reinforced to protect occupants.  These features of motorcycles place riders at an increased risk of serious injuries when confronted by a careless, intoxicated, or distracted passenger car driver.  The risk of a fatal crash for motorcyclists is 35 times greater than for auto accident victims based on a per mile traveled basis.

While these physical design characteristics of a motorcycle pose a significant crash risk, there are other factors that cause many motorcycle collisions:

Limited Stability: A vehicle that only has two wheels will inherently be less stable than a four-wheeled vehicle.  If a rider must suddenly swerve or brake to avoid a crash, this lack of stability increases the risk of a traffic collision.  Depending on the motorcycle and circumstances, a bike can also experience front wheel “wobble” when traveling at high rates of speed.

No Protective Barrier: Passengers in an automobile benefit from protective equipment that includes seat belts and air bags.  This safety equipment increases the benefits of a passenger compartment to keep occupants inside the vehicle.  Vehicle ejection is one of the most significant factors in fatal car accidents, but every motorcycle crash essentially involves ejection because riders do not have the benefit of a protective enclosure.

Difficulty of Operation: Motorcycles require a much higher degree of skill and experience than a car to operate safely.  When riders attempt to handle a motorcycle that is beyond their ability, the risk of a crash increases.

Difficulty Being Seen: The small profile of a motorcycle often impairs the ability of other drivers to notice the presence of riders.  This issue is compounded by the fact that motorcycles can travel in small spaces where motorists do not expect to see a vehicle.

High-Risk Practices: Motorcycles are relatively light vehicles that can travel at high rates of speed. Sport bikes provide a temptation to engage in high-risk practices that include sudden acceleration and speeding.

Unanticipated Road Hazards: Many hazards that have no impact on a passenger car constitute potentially deadly threats to motorcyclists.  Minor potholes, small oil deposits, or a little debris often cause riders to lay their bike down.

If you or a family member was injured in a motorcycle collision, our Mississippi Motorcycle Accident Lawyers have successfully represented many motorcycle accident victims and their families.  At Barrett Law, we are here to help.  Contact our firm today at (601)790-1505 to schedule your free consultation, so we can answer any questions you may have regarding filing your claim.