Many people that are injured by the careless or inattentive conduct of others in motorcycle accidents, car accidents, trucking accidents or pedestrian accidents presume that they can handle an insurance claim against the other driver on their own.  It is extremely risky to attempt to handle one’s own accident claim.  While it might seem like this is a way to save attorney fees, the risk of making a critical error when dealing with insurance companies and navigating legal procedures can be far more costly.

When you retain an experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyer, you will achieve a number of benefits that increase the likelihood of successfully maximizing your financial recovery.  We have provided an overview of some of the benefits of a Mississippi personal injury attorney when pursuing an insurance injury claim:

Leveling the Playing Field: Insurance carriers have a stable of lawyers, experts and financial resources devoted to denying or minimizing your claim.  When dealing with this enormous arsenal of litigation resources, an experienced Mississippi personal injury attorney can level the playing field.  Our Mississippi personal injury law firm has our own experts, state of the art litigation tools and the financial resources to take on large corporations and their insurance companies.

Avoiding Insurance Adjuster Traps: Insurance companies handle thousand upon thousands of claims annually.  There are many tactics they employ to trick those without legal representation into compromising their personal injury claims.  The insurance company adjuster may ask you to provide a written statement or sign a release of information.  Injury victims are not required to comply with either request and should not do so.  The insurance company is searching for information that can be used to decline to pay your claim or reduce the amount of your compensation.

Compliance with Timing Requirements: There are critical timing requirements that apply to personal injury cases.  The statute of limitations is extremely important because failure to comply with this timing deadline will result in a permanent ban of your claim regardless of the merits.  If a public entity is a defendant in your personal injury claim, you generally will also have to comply with time limits for filing a claim against the public entity before pursuing a personal injury claim.  An experienced Mississippi personal injury attorney will be familiar with these deadlines and will work diligently to make sure all such timing requirements are met.

Knowledge of Complex Legal Requirements and Procedure: The standards for liability, procedural requirements and rules of evidence are complicated and extremely difficult for someone to successfully navigate without an experienced Mississippi personal injury attorney.  Personal injury attorneys understand these complexities and can successfully navigate the potential landmine of litigation mistakes.

These are some of the ways that an experienced Mississippi personal injury attorney can help you maximize the value of your personal injury claim.  The reality is that it is virtually impossible for a non-attorney to successfully litigate a personal injury claim.  While it is possible for someone who is not represented by an attorney to settle their personal injury claim with the insurance company, an insurance company will not offer the true value of a claim unless they fear the prospect of trial.  When a law firm with a proven track record of trial verdicts is on the your side, the insurance company has an incentive to offer a more substantial settlement to avoid trial.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.