When traveling throughout Mississippi many people choose low traffic back roads rather than busy traffic congested streets in urban areas.  This preference often is based on the fact that traveling on roadways with less traffic is safer.  The assumption regarding safer back roads is not supported by actual accident data.  Crash data suggests that drivers are actually at greater risk of being involved in a car accident and suffering more serious injuries when involved in a collision in rural areas than urban areas with heavier traffic.

A leading factor in the increased risk of driving in rural areas is the difference in average rates of speed.  While most drivers lament traffic gridlock that slows one’s commute to work, high traffic density results in slowing drivers down.  Drivers traveling at slower rates of speed have more response time to brake or evade a potential road hazard.  Slower speeds because of heavy traffic congestion also means that the force of impact is generally less when a collision does occur.  Many drivers in rural areas travel at a high rate of speed because they have a false sense of security connected to minimal traffic flow.

A recent study quantifies the fact that the risk of being involved in a serious traffic collision is higher in rural areas.  While rural areas account for less than 30 percent of the nation’s population, these areas are the location of 55 percent of all car accidents related injuries and fatalities.  The relationship between high rates of speed and high accident risk in rural areas is substantiated by the fact that almost 35 percent of accidents in rural areas involve drivers exceeding the speed limit.  The study also revealed that accident rates are falling in urban areas but rising at an even faster rate in rural areas.

The other factor that seems to pay a substantial role in the disparity between urban and rural accident rates is the influence of alcohol in rural accidents.  Drunk drivers were more likely to be involved in a car crash in rural areas by a factor of 12 percent.  Drunken driving and speeding are directly correlated to higher fatality rates generally so this also explains why rural accidents tend to be more likely to result in a fatality. The experienced auto accident attorneys at Barrett Law have been providing tenacious representation to victims of motor vehicle accidents for over 75 years.  We provide diligent legal representation and impassioned advocacy so we invite you to call us today at 662-834-2376 to learn how we can help.