
Today, driving is an aspect of our lives that we participate in doing almost every single day whether it is a short drive to work, or a long distance drive to our favorite vacation destination. However, when we are on the road we always have some variables that remain constant such as the speed limit of roads, and even usually which roads produce more traffic than others. Yet, as drivers we never can tell what could happen next especially when it comes down to accidents of any kind. When it comes down to trucking accidents today on the road what can you truly expect?

Truck Drivers Delivering Accidents One By One

Recently, reports state that the number of truck drivers has diminished throughout the country. One would usually think that this would also limit the amount of trucking accidents occurring as well all throughout the country. However, that is not the case at all. Although the amount of truck drivers is decreasing deliveries are not, and are ultimately piling up. By doing so many trucking companies are pushing their truck drivers harder and harder in order to meet delivery dates consequently every single day. Yet, by doing this trucking companies are not only putting their drivers in danger, but also every other individual on the road as well.

Why and How?

Yet, why is the number of truck drivers diminishing and what are the consequences of it? Today, the majority of truck drivers that are leaving their employment are doing so because of age, or because they are tired of constantly being on the road. However, many people are under the impression that individuals are constantly coming in and out of the trucking industry, which is not really the case at all. In order to be a licensed, and certified truck driver you have to have a few requirements met, which include being over the age of 21, holding a commercial trucking license, and have gone through training. Yet, many do not know that in order to receive proper training it can cost up to $5,000 up front.

Due to the lack of trucking drivers on the road many are being forced to drive with fatigue for days at a time, which increases the likelihood of all drivers, and pedestrians around these individuals to be put at risk of being involved in an automobile accident.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Driving is a task that we have to participate in almost every day the majority of the time. Yet, do you actually remember the first time you got behind the wheel of a motor vehicle as the driver? The period in which an individual can actually have, and hold a legal license to drive a motor vehicle is in their teenage years, which many that day cannot wait until they can finally get their coveted driver’s license. However, teenage drivers are the group of drivers that are more likely to either be involved in, or cause an automobile accident today.

From Reading To The Road

Yet, many ask the question how are teenagers, the age in which an individual has some of the best reflex skills, the group that is most likely to be involved in the majority of car accidents? Today, teenagers have a variety of distractions on the road whether it is blaring loud music on their iPod, texting their friends while driving, or having their cellphone up to their ear talking it up. Teenagers are also the group of drivers that have recently acquired the ability to legally drive and are still just learning about the road, driving etiquette, and what they can expect from other drivers.

The Next Step In Teenage Driver Safety

However, many federal and state transportation entities are taking teenage driver safety to the next level in order to make sure that not only teenagers are safe on roadways, but also everyone else. Many states are now requiring that in order for teenage drivers to receive their license they are required to have logged 50 hours of driving with a driver over the age of 21, and are even not allowed to drive between the hours of 11pm-5am unless with an adult in the vehicle. By doing this many transportation law enforcement entities hope that teenage drivers will take away lessons of the road, and gain experience while with a safe, knowledgeable driver by their side.

Make sure when you have a teenage driver to discuss how to behave and operate a vehicle safely on the road. However, accidents occur and whether you are a teenage driver that has caused, or either been innocently involved with an accident you need an experienced auto accident attorney on your side.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives.  At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi.  Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

Vehicle safety is a very important concept to many when it comes down to purchasing, and driving a vehicle. Unlike in the past, technology has helped push safety features above and beyond in order to help lessen the likelihood that an accident will occur. However, when an accident does occur, safety features are there to help. Today, the majority of vehicles have a multitude of safety features for different situations in order to make sure drivers are protected in every aspect of their vehicle, as well as protected from many possible incidents on the road.

Baby Boomers in the Present

Baby Boomers are one particular group within the United States that has had a significant role within the country for the past decades. However that age group is now getting older and are within their 60’s and 70’s, and they remain an active part of our society from every aspect possible. Today, many automobile manufacturers are gearing their motor vehicles to not only be Baby Boomer friendly, but also have enough safety features in order to make sure that not only understand them completely, but also are protected even more than in the past.

Creating, and Keeping Safety No Matter What Age

Yet, as a Baby Boomer what are some vehicle safety features that you need to look into, or consider when purchasing your next motor vehicle? One device known as the alert and monitoring system is one that can truly help the majority of individuals in their vehicle, not just that of Baby Boomers. How this device works is when the vehicle is close to an object form either parking, or driving the vehicle will admit an alert letting the driver know to be aware of their surroundings, or, if driving, slow the vehicle down.

Another device is that of the emergency response system. How this device works is if the vehicle is involved in an accident the system will alert 911, as well as let them know how badly the car is damaged. Finally, another safety feature Baby Boomers should consider is that of the lane departure warnings device, which helps notify, and alert the driver of the vehicle if they are outside the edge of the proper lane that they are supposed to be within.

If you suffer any of these serious injuries because of an anesthesia mistake, our experienced Mississippi anesthesia medical malpractice lawyers are committed to assisting victims of substandard medical care obtain the financial compensation to rebuild their lives. At Barrett Law, our experienced Mississippi personal injury lawyers represent injury victims throughout Mississippi. Our law firm has roots that reach back 75 years so contact us today for your free initial consultation at (662) 834-2376 to see how we can help.

A multi-car accident is any accident which involves three or more vehicles, including motorcycles, trucks or passenger vehicles. Because there was likely an underlying cause which initially caused the crash, a multi-car crash can be a nightmare on many different levels. Dealing with your insurance company will be much more complex, and you may find it harder to pinpoint who the negligent party actually was, meaning it may be more difficult to prevail in a personal injury case. If you have been involved in a multi-car accident, it’s important to get experienced legal representation as soon as you possibly can.

What Caused the Accident?

The cause of a multi-car accident will likely be the same as in an accident involving two cars. Human error could be a cause of the accident, or it could be attributed to driver fatigue, driver distraction, drunk driving, mechanical failure, inclement weather or sheer recklessness. Many multi-car accidents happen on freeways when cars are driving too fast and too close to one another. When a car stops suddenly way up the road, the cars behind don’t have enough reaction time to avoid an accident.

Who Will Be Liable for the Accident?

Determining the level of responsibility for each driver involved will be an extremely complicated and ultimately incredibly stressful process. Each driver will have a different version of the car crash, and there will be much more data to factor in. A report from the police departmetn is critical even if the police decline to state which driver was at fault. The police report will, at the very least, state the details surrounding the accident such as weather and road conditions, time of day, and approximate speeds the cars were traveling. If it is very obvious who was at fault, then that fact will be in the report.

Comparative vs. Contributory Negligence in a Multi-Car Accident

The fault in a multiple car accident will be determined through either comparative negligence or contributory negligence. If your accident falls under the laws of contributory negligence the person who was hurt in the accident is only be able to receive reimbursement for medical expenses if they did not contribute to the accident in any way. In other words, if you were speeding, therefore could not avoid a pile-up in front of you as a result of that speed, then you would be unable to get compensation. Under comparative negligence, liability for the accident will be weighed according to how much fault can be attributed to each driver, meaning your own damages could be reduced because you were speeding, but you would still be entitled to recover a percentage of the damages.

Whose Insurance Will Cover Your Medical Bills?

Insurance companies will be even more apt than usual to deny claims or point the finger of blame at everybody other than their own insured in a multi-car accident. Remember not to admit fault in a multi-car accident even if you feel the blame was yours. Get medical attention immediately for any injury, no matter how small, as this will weigh heavily when your attorney is negotiating with the insurance companies.

Why Do I Need an Attorney?

Sorting out the complicated mess of all the parties involved may involve accident reconstruction, securing witness statements and considerable amounts of investigation. There will be extended communications with the various insurance companies and drivers involved in the accident. While law enforcement personnel may cite the individual drivers if it is readily apparent who was at fault, many times they will simply let the lawyers figure it out. Finding who is at fault can be almost impossible which is why you need an attorney who will defend your rights and aggressively prove your lack of fault or reduce your liability in any way possible. The statute of limitations in multi-car accidents can actually be as short as thirty days, and it is wise to allow your attorney to navigate the complexities and be responsible for meeting critical deadlines.

Sounds silly, right? After all, humans can be accident-prone, but surely not a hunk of metal in the form of an automobile? There are all sorts of reasons that auto collisions occur, with the large majority of those being traceable to some sort of driver error. Drivers get fatigued, distracted, reckless or negligent. They drive in situations they are not equipped to handle or drive vehicles they are not particularly trained to drive. They drive after ingesting drugs or alcohol or get behind the wheel fully aware their vision is impaired enough to be a hazard. Driver distraction can come in many forms in our multi-tasking society. Cell phone use, texting while driving, applying makeup, reading a map, eating while driving, fiddling with the radio station or GPS device, turning around to scold the children in the back seat, talking to passengers or simply daydreaming about anything other than driving contribute to driver distraction.

High-Performance Cars

All of these factors contribute to the fifteen million car crashes that occur each and every year, resulting in over forty thousand fatalities as literally millions of accident-related injuries. Many of these car crashes result in life-altering consequences for those involved and the government spends untold amounts of money in their attempt to make drivers aware of risky behaviors they may be engaging in. A certain portion of auto crashes can be directly linked to the specific make and model of the car being driven. Studies prove that particular models are simply much more likely to be involved in a car collision. Cars with high-performance motors are not at risk simply because they can accelerate quickly, reaching high rates of speed, rather because of the driver behind the wheel who runs the risk of losing control and crashing. This fact likely is a primary factor of higher insurance premiums for sporty cars with powerful motors. Even so, a situation such as this still hinges on the driver’s ability rather than the car’s performance.

Which Cars are More Likely To Be Involved in a Collision?

There are some cars on the road today which are simply less safe to drive—proven by their track record of collisions. Although Toyota is regularly considered one of the safest, most reliable brands on the road today, one of their cars, the Scion, actually tops the list of the cars most likely to be involved in a car crash. Others who are more frequently engaged in car crashes than normal include the Honda Civic, Mitsubishi’s Galant, Subaru’s Impreza, Hyundai’s Tiburon and Chevrolet’s Cobalt. Now remember that these cars are not inherently unsafe simply because they top the list of collision incidence.

More likely the combination of relatively high-performance vehicles in the hands of younger, more inexperienced drivers creates a higher risk of collision. While these are the cars of today that top the list, the accident-prone cars of the past include the Ford Mustang, Dodge Challenger and Chevy Camaro. Although Ford’s Mustang Shelby and the Chevy Corvette do make the list of the top 150 cars most likely to be in an accident they remain at the bottom—probably because younger drivers are unable to afford them. As a whole, older drivers tend to exhibit better judgment when behind the wheel of a powerful sports car.

The Effect of Your Car’s Color on Your Likelihood of Having an Accident

An Australian survey found that black vehicles are statistically more likely to be involved in a car accident than white vehicles, probably due to the ability of humans to see some colors better than others. Surprisingly, silver cars—the most prevalent color on the roadways—come in right behind black vehicles for high crash rates and difficult in being seen. Hybrid car drivers are about 25% less likely to be involved in an accident; whether that is because of the extra weight of the hybrid battery or because hybrid drivers are simply more cautious is unknown. Those who have been injured in a car collision should contact the most qualified personal injury attorney available as soon as possible following the accident. Your claim will be evaluated and your attorney can advise you on whether you should pursue a claim.


Rollover accidents are definitely among the most deadly of all vehicle accidents, although rollovers are relatively rare. Most rollovers are single car accidents and while any vehicle certainly has the capacity to roll over, it is much more common among vehicles with a high center of gravity. Between three and four percent of car accidents involve a rollover, yet a third of all vehicles which rollover will have at least one fatality. Rollover accidents are centered around how stable a vehicle is during a turn. The distance between the left and right wheels is known as the track width and the relationship between this distance and the vehicle’s center of gravity determines overall stability. Four-wheel drive pickups and sport utility vehicles which sit up high have a much greater chance of a rollover accident since they have much higher ground clearance for off-road driving.

When Rollover Accidents Occur

The majority of rollover accidents are single-vehicle accidents which occur at night on Saturdays and Sundays. Most of the drivers are male, under the age of twenty-five, and drinking alcohol. A full seventy-five percent of rollover fatalities result in the victims being ejected from the vehicle which suggests they were not wearing a safety belt. Although pressure is building for the government to subject cars and trucks to federal rollover standards there are none in place at present. The NHTSA did implement a rollover rating system in 2001. This system consists of a simple five-star system in which an engineering analysis is used to base the rating. Vehicles who receive five stars have a rollover risk of less than ten percent while those vehicles which only receive one star have over a 40 percent increased risk of rollover.

SUV Rollover

SUVs are famous for rollover accidents; rollovers are nearly three times as likely among SUVs than in traditional passenger vehicle. SUV’s are top heavy and more likely in a one-vehicle accident to tip over and roll. Many rollover accidents happen when the driver jerks the wheel sharply to avoid a road hazard or animal or when the driver takes a curve too fast. In some instances even a relatively minor turn of the wheel can result in a rollover. Rollover rates are highest in Ford Explorers followed by three Jeep products—the CJ, Wrangler and the Cherokee. Ford has endured over five hundred lawsuits regarding the Explorer as there are specific defects in the overall design which causes it to tip.

Fifteen Passenger Vans and Likelihood of Rollover

Fifteen passenger vans are popular with schools, churches, community groups and shuttle services but pose a grave threat of rollover when they are heavily loaded. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has issued a consumer advisory regarding these vans nearly every year. While these vans are very convenient, the NHTSA cautions that tire condition should be routinely checked, passengers should always wear safety restraints, drivers should have experience and training and no loads are placed on top of the vehicle. As the number of passengers increase in these vans, the rollover risk also increases. Most of those who died in fifteen passenger rollovers were not buckled up; wearing safety restraints greatly increases the chance of survival in such an accident.

The Complexities of Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents can be very complicated when they reach the litigation stage for those who are involved in such an accident should choose the most experienced attorney who will identify the multiple defendants and ensure victims receive compensation for all medical expenses, damages and lost wages. Your case will be carefully investigated and if necessary accident reconstruction experts, highway safety specialists, engineers and other professionals will be included in the case.


Automobile collisions are responsible for about three million injuries each year and over 43,000 fatalities. Of these crashes nearly 9,000—or approximately percent—are side-impact accidents. Side-impact accidents are also known as T-bone crashes by virtue of the fact that when one vehicle hits another on the side it resembles a “T.” The location of a side-impact automobile accident puts the driver and passengers at significant risk. The sides of cars generally have far fewer safety features than other parts of the car since few cars other than higher end models have side-impact airbags.  A front or back collision means there is several feet of metal and steel standing between a human being and the other car, but in a side collision there is little more than a door frame stopping the other vehicle from impacting with a person. In fact, this area has been dubbed the “crumple zone,” by experts who study car crashes. When a seat belt is properly worn it can certainly keep the body stationary but does not stop major injuries from occurring.

Typical Locations of Side-Impact Crashes

Most commonly a side-impact car crash will occur in an intersection. Quite often drivers see a yellow light and speed up in order to race through the stop light. A driver who is traveling through a green light can be broadsided in a mere instant with absolutely no way to avoid the accident. Children are the most vulnerable passengers in a side-impact car collision—even more so should they not be restrained in an approved child safety seat. In this instance a side-impact airbag could actually do more harm than good since airbags are designed to protect adults and can seriously injure a much smaller child. How severe the side-impact accident will be is also highly dependent on the relative height and weight of the vehicles involved. Imagine a truck or SUV which sits high off the ground hitting a low-to-the-ground sports car from the side. It is likely the driver of the sports car will sustain serious or even fatal head injuries.

Common Injuries from Side-Impact Crashes

Leg injuries are common in side-impact collisions, particularly when the impact occurs at the bottom of the car door, crushing the door inward. Leg lacerations, fractures or crushed bones are likely in this type of accident. In the same vein, hip injuries may be severe when the impact occurs in the middle of the door. A middle door impact can also lead to broken or crushed ribs and arm injuries or even severed limbs in high-speed crashes. The overall impact of the oncoming car striking the other on the side can lead to shoulder injuries that can include muscle tears, dislocation, broken shoulder bones or severe lacerations.

The back is likely to be injured in a side-impact collision with injuries ranging from a pinched nerve or slipped disc to a sprained or broken back. While whiplash injuries are more common in a rear-impact collision any time the neck is moved violently from one side to the next injuries such as whiplash or a strained, sprained or even broken neck can occur. Another downside to having a side airbag—although it could potentially save your life—is that, depending on the position of your head at the time of the crash—the airbag can hit the ear and head with considerable force. Loss of hearing, distortion of sounds and ringing of the ears can result. Head injuries which result from the head impacting with the side glass window can be severe—traumatic brain injuries often occur in side-impact car crashes.

Negligence as a Cause of Side-Impact Collisions

Negligent driving is one of the main factors in side-impact collisions. Because injuries to driver and passengers will likely be serious, it is crucial that a knowledgeable personal injury attorney be consulted who can ensure you achieve the best legal results possible. You could be entitled to medical expense compensation, lost wages and pain and suffering as well as for a partial, total or permanent disability.



While many people in Mississippi and across the U.S. are aware of the substantial reach and magnitude of the danger associated with drunk driving, but the majority of drivers in Mississippi do not realize the extent of the danger posed by drivers impaired by narcotics.  A study conducted by the federal government found that one in eight drivers stopped and drug tested while driving at night one weekends tested positive for some form of illicit drug.  There are many types of illegal narcotics that impair drivers including methamphetamine, ecstasy, heroin, marijuana, cocaine, LSD, opium, oxycodone, PCP and more.  When drivers attempt to navigate the roadways with illegal drugs in their bloodstream they are the equivalent of someone using a deadly weapon like a firearm when impaired by drugs.

Unfortunately, many drivers disregard the dangers of operating a motor vehicle when under the influence of illegal drugs.  These drugs can disrupt perception, promote sleepiness, adversely impact judgment, interfere with coordination and reflexes and promote an inflated sense of confidence in one’s driving ability.  When a car accident occurs involving a driver who is under the influence of drugs, the officer may administer field sobriety tests and a breath testing.  Because illicit drugs do not show up in a breath test, the police officer investigating the accident will typically conduct a blood test.  If a driver impaired by street drugs causes a serious auto accident resulting in serious personal injury including spinal cord damage causing paralysis, traumatic brain injury causing loss of cognitive functioning or amputation of limbs, the judge or jury will often award substantial punitive damages.

Although driving while under the influence of alcohol is a widely acknowledged and discussed dangerous driving practice, drivers that are stoned while driving receive a lot less attention.  While drug impaired drivers are less common, another reason that drugged driving receives less publicity is that it is much harder to prove.  Many times police officers do not even test for drugs in a driver’s system unless a motor vehicle accident occurs.

When you are involved in a motor vehicle accident with a driver who engaged in erratic driving behavior before causing a collision, you should summon law enforcement to the scene of the motor vehicle accident.  Any erratic or unsafe driving that you observed prior to the collision should be clearly described to the police officer.  These statements provide additional evidence supporting the basis for the investigating officer to conduct a drug and alcohol screening.  Sometimes if the officer suspects that the driver was impaired by drugs a specially trained expert called a Drug Recognition Expert may be summoned to conduct tests and make observations to support expert testimony that the driver was drug impaired at the time of the collision.

If a driver who you suspect may be under the influence of illicit drugs injures you, you may have a right to pursue a claim for financial compensation against the other driver. The experienced Mississippi motor vehicle accident attorneys at Barrett Law have been providing effective representation to Mississippi motor vehicle accident victims for over 75 years.  We provide diligent legal representation and impassioned advocacy so we invite you to call us today at 662-834-2376 to learn how we can help.


While a car accident can disrupt the life of an injury victim and the victim’s family, the challenges are far more difficult if the at-fault driver does not have insurance.  Although it is possible to obtain a car accident settlement or personal injury judgment even if the other driver has no insurance or lacks adequate insurance, there may be no source of funds to pay the car accident judgment.  When the responsible party in a Mississippi car accident does not have insurance, our experienced San Francisco personal injury attorneys may conduct an asset search or other investigation to determine if the negligent driver has other property and assets against which a judgment or settlement can be collected.

One source of recovery for injuries and economic losses in a Mississippi car accident is the owner of a vehicle.  In situations where the driver of the vehicle has no insurance and no substantial assets, the ability to pursue a legal claim against the vehicle owner may offer the best option to obtaining recovery.  Many people do not realize that the owner of a car, truck or SUV may be liable for injuries to an auto accident victim even when the vehicle owner is not driving the vehicle.  However, the owner will not necessarily be responsible for injuries caused by another driver in the owner’s vehicle.  We have provided an overview of some of the legal doctrines that may be used to impose liability on the owner of a vehicle involved in a Mississippi car accident:

Allowing Another Person to Drive: When an owner permits someone else to drive his or her car, Mississippi law still deems the owner of the car to be in control of the vehicle if the owner is in the car.  Even if the owner of a vehicle is not present in the car at the time of the car accident, the vehicle owner may still be liable based on a theory of “negligent entrustment”.  A car owner may be responsible for making a vehicle available to a driver that the owner knows or should know is incompetent because of intoxication or inexperience.

Employer’s Vehicle: When an employee is involved in a Mississippi car accident while performing job related functions or errands for the benefit of one’s employer, the employer may be held liable for injuries caused by a negligent employee while driving.  This type of liability is referred to as “vicarious liability,” which involves imposing liability on a third party for the acts of another based on the special relationship between the parties, such as an employer-employee relationship.

Family Purpose Doctrine: If a child who resides in your family home is involved in a Mississippi car accident while driving a vehicle made available for use by family members, a parent may be liable for a collision resulting from the child’s negligence.

If you or a loved one has been injured or you have lost a loved one in a Mississippi car accident, our experienced Mississippi car accident attorneys at Barrett Law represent clients throughout Mississippi so call us today for a free no obligation initial case evaluation at (662) 834-2376.  Our law firm has roots that reach back over 75 years helping car accident victims in Mississippi just like you.


Motor vehicles of all types pose potential hazards when driven by careless or inconsiderate drivers, but bad drivers are not the only cause of serious car accidents.  Sometimes defective vehicle equipment or poor maintenance can equally contribute to serious accidents involving passenger vehicles, SUVs, tractor-trailers (commercial trucks), 15-passenger vans and other vehicles.  The tires of a car, truck or SUV are one of the most important safety components of any motor vehicle.

Defective tires can result in dangerous tire blowouts that cause vehicle rollovers, particularly in vehicles prone to rollover accidents like SUVs and 15-passenger vans.  Manufacturing defects often cause tread separation which can result in drivers losing control of their vehicle.  Tire blowouts are a leading cause of certain types of accidents including lane departure accidents, run off the road accidents and rollover accidents.  While there are multiple factors that can contribute to a tire blowout, such as improper tire pressure, worn or weathered tires and tire defects, many times a tire blowout accident is the direct result of a tire manufacturer’s failure to produce tires that are free of defects and safe to install on motor vehicles.

Tread separation is a common cause of tire blowout accidents in Mississippi.  Most tires on motor vehicles are steel belted radial tires.  When the tire tread separates from the inner portion of the tire, it can cause the tire to blowout.  Though steel belted radial tires are the most popular variety of tires, the risk of tread separation is inherent in the process of manufacturing these tires.  Defects in steel belted radial tires can be the product of both design and manufacturing defects.  A fundamental issue with steel belted tires is that rubber does not naturally adhere to the steel belts.  Tire manufactures coat the steel with copper to facilitate the rubber adhering to the steel belts.  However, copper degenerates quickly creating a risk of tire separation.

Tread separation and tire blowouts are particularly dangerous when a driver is operating a vehicle that tends to be top-heavy because the vehicles are prone to rollover when a tire on the vehicle blows out.  When a person is involved in an accident caused by a defective tire, a driver may have legal recourse to pursue financial compensation against anyone in the production or distribution chain for the tire.  Mississippi product liability law permits liability to be imposed on a designer, manufacturer, distributor or retailer of defective tires based on negligence, strict liability and breach of implied or express warranty.  If the defective tires were installed on the car when you made your new car purchase, you may even be able to pursue a claim against the automaker.

If you or a loved one has been injured or you have lost a loved one in a Mississippi car accident caused by a tire blowout, our experienced Mississippi car accident lawyers at Barrett Law represent clients throughout Mississippi so call us today for a free no obligation initial case evaluation at (662) 834-2376.  Our law firm has roots that reach back over 75 years helping car accident victims in Mississippi just like you.