Driving is a very average part of life, which the majority of us are required to do each day. Whether we are commuting from work, to school, or running our various, yet never ending errands we seem to always be behind the wheel of a motor vehicle in order to do so.  However, behind the wheel of a car our focus is not always truly on the safety measures we should be taking, or watching other drivers in order to make sure that we are safe, but the majority of the time we simply are trying to process, and keep up with our busy day.

The Ideology Behind Texting While Driving

 Texting and driving is not a new concept today by any means. Many studies and research are beginning to state that the majority of accidents, and traffic violations today are due to cell phone usage behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. While many individuals believe that they are superb multi-taskers and can drive and operate their cellphone at the same time they are sadly mistaken. When you are focused not only on a conversation, but a conversation that requires you to use your hands and focus to type on buttons while you operate a motor vehicle the possibilities and results are catastrophic.

The Results of Texting While Driving

 Unfortunately, more and more individuals today are being touched in their lives by texting behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. One case truly shows what the effects of texting and driving can do to a family in the blink of an eye. A mother had recently had a baby, and was out running errands with her 5 year old, and newborn child while still on her maternity leave. The woman was running errands that day to get decorations for the Labor Day festivities that would be taking place at her home that weekend. However, as she was driving, a young white female began to veer into her lane, head-on, and crashed into the vehicle carrying the mother and her children.

Today, those two children will have to live without their mother for the rest of their lives thanks to the young woman texting while she was driving. Remember when you take your eyes off the road for just a moment, whether you are texting or not, you increase your risk, and the risk of others as well of being involved in a serious accident.

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