If you or a loved one has recently been injured in a car accident, you are probably feeling a range of emotions and significant anxiety.  When coping with the pain and suffering associated with your injuries, you might be overwhelmed by the prospect of navigating the claims process, dealing with insurance companies, and managing spiraling expenses associated with your accident. These obstacles can be magnified by a lack of familiarity with the claims process and the challenge of negotiating insurance and legal obstacles.  In this blog post, our experienced Mississippi Auto Accident Injury Lawyers demystify the process by dispelling common myths about car accident claims. Keep reading to learn more!

Myth No. 1: I Don’t Need an Attorney to File a Car Accident Claim

Although you theoretically can handle your own auto accident claim, the fact that you have the right to do so does not make it a good idea.  Insurance companies salivate at the prospect of devouring injury victims that do not have the benefit of an experienced Mississippi Auto Accident Lawyer.  Attorneys who routinely handle auto accident case understand the tactics used by insurance companies to avoid paying claim, as well as the legal, procedure, and evidentiary standards for navigating the litigation process.  Because well-established personal injury law firms will have established relationships with individuals with specialized knowledge, such as accident reconstruction experts and medical experts, they can effectively work with expert witnesses who might be necessary to your case.  Car accident victims almost certainly will recover less compensation without legal representation.

Myth 2: The Insurance Company Will Reach a Fair Settlement

Many people presume that since the at-fault driver paid premiums for coverage, the insurer will pay the reasonable value of a liability claim for personal injuries.  However, insurance carriers maximize their profits by denying as many claims as possible and underpaying claims.  The other driver’s insurance company has a duty to accept reasonable settlements to protect their insured from a judgment that exceeds policy limits, this duty has nothing to do with treating an injury victim fairly.  If the insurance company can find a basis to deny the claim or to mitigate the amount paid to a policyholder in damages, the insurer is strongly motivated to minimize the amount paid.  The insurance company might unjustifiably claim that the injury victim shares a significant amount of the fault for causing the accident.  Alternatively, the insurer might contend any permanent disability is unrelated to the accident.  Law firms that have been representing personal injury victims for decades have the knowledge and experience to anticipate and respond effectively to such strategies.

Myth No. 3: I can wait until I have fully recovered and get back on top of things to pursue a legal claim.

Insurance companies have no reason to pay a claim once critical deadlines have passed.  The statute of limitations is a timing requirement that indicates the period of time that an injury victim has to file a lawsuit.  The statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit for injuries suffered in a car accident generally is three years in Mississippi, but special rules may apply depending on the identity of the victim and the circumstances surrounding the accident.  If a lawsuit is not initiated before the statute of limitations “runs” (or expires), the lawsuit typically will be permanently barred.  If you are suing a government entity because your accident involved a dangerous road, there might be even shorter time limits for providing notice to the public entity.  The entire process of litigation is governed by strict timing requirements, so it is important to seek legal advice as soon as possible following an accident.

Call a Mississippi Auto Accident Lawyer You Can Trust to Pursue the Compensation You Deserve

If you have been injured in a car accident and are unsure whether to pursue a claim, the Mississippi Auto Accident Attorneys at Barrett Law, PLLC are here to help.  Our firm has been advocating for personal injury victims for decades. Contact our firm today at 800.707.9577 to schedule your free consultation, so we can answer questions you might have regarding filing your auto accident claim.